Today is the my art splinterlands monster. This character is "SILVERSHI SHERIFF".


Hello Everybody.

God's infinite mercy is good for everyone.

This time we are going to express the new process in a different way in a special way, drawing art made today. It is picked from the entire splinterlands. This gaming card seems to me different from all gaming cards, It looks a little different. The @splinterlands here are in many different nature and giant forms, Gaming cards have the nature character of animals again. I find this gaming card incredible, I like the character of this gaming card. Then I decided to make the character of this card art. Next I prepare to make it art. Finally I am drawing it in art paper. Then the steps of drawing are gradually moving forward Then the drawing has been arranged through various means. This is where the first art drawing I wanted to paint with watercolors, So that the conversion is like the original gaming card. The next colour is painted with a pencil. The complete art drawing is described in detail here.

The art I created today is the splinterlands monster. This character is SILVERSHI SHERIFF.




Using art paper to create the art drawing here. Then I started drawing art with pencil. Here art drawing is being drawn with 2B pencil. The complete drawing in the range has been sketched in pencil.

First horses draw the legs. Then we form a body structure on one side. The next step is to create a complete body structure. Later the horse was terminated the steps of the horse drawing with everything. Here is another step of drawing, that is a man sitting on horseback. Here the man's first leg and hands are shaped and the body shape in the next step. There are some other related art with him, Finally, the face is drawn. All the art drawings have already end. After the drawing of the whole art draw, the drawing was formed It's like a hunter person. The drawing was done by the Finley Pencil Sketch etc.



Art started colouring this time. The first leg and one side of the body are painted.

Tow Legs.


And the legs on the other side have been painted. The drawing through colour is increasing the expression of beauty.

Body structure painting .


The next step horse has completely equipped with colours. The horse after the art drawing is colour The Original Gaming is like the Card. And I think I'm Have drawn a horse artistic realistic. The next step horse has completely equipped with colours. The horse after the art drawing is colour The Original Gaming is like the Card. By making it art and colour, I looked at the desire Every drawing of my art. I am fascinated by the art drawing of my made.

Body accessories.


And there are some art steps with the body structure and there are some art steps.



The horse is colored, the horse is sitting on top of the man has been coloured.



ultimately The art drawing has been completed. Hopefully the @splinterlands gaming monster I was able to publish original gaming card through art.

The drawing and colouring the drawing by sketching the Finally Pencil, About 2 hours 10 minutes liked the art drawing perfectly. Then the drawing is moving slowly. No rubber was used when making this drawing. very has been made in art and color perfectly. Hopefully that you see my art drawing will be attractive. I tried my best help I'm going to work with tries and experiences. Your inspiration is for me I am grateful to you to feel interested. So far, I have to support me.

Sincerely thank you all.


Thanks for sharing! - @ashikstd

Looks better than your usual ones and the face doesn't seems nice.
Keep try to improve.
