The Theseus Thesis: Minotaur Warrior Battle Challenge


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First Impressions

For 4 mana minotaur warrior is very fast reach damage with 3 speed. It has 1 armor to absorb that first heavy blow and can take a wallop when placed correctly. While not dealing the most damage or being able to take as many small attacks, it's speed and burst counter make it a reliable 4 mana


As far as use goes. Minotaur warrior is well rounded for 4 mana and a nice additions to earth's splinter.

Positioning and Strategy

mino battle 1.png

Much akin to the actual Minoan minotaur the general location of minotaur warrior is usually rather predictable to anticipate. For Minos' monster it was the Labyrinth and for minotaur warrior it is position 2 or 3. In this case minotaur warrior effectively prevented quite a bit of damage by being able to whittle away at hp quickly alongside unicorn mustang.[mino battle 2.png]

While also acting as a potential buffer between your front and back line, while still being a good damage dealer. For 4 mana it is a worthy defender and attacker. Usually placed in position 2, but position 3 is viable if there is a spacer card like furious chicken or cursed slimeball in position 1.

mino battle 3.png

Takeaway and Conclusion

Dishing out a lot of fast damage and not quite a glass cannon not quite a tank, minotaur warrior is a good choice for your lineup. The modes in which minotaur's focus on damaging position 1 can be a surprise are melee mayhem or any other battle modifier that changes the positions in which melee creatures can attack. If in position 2 reach reach will override that and can give you a slight edge if the enemy focused too much on a heavy backline damage and not on frontline defense.

Lore and Other Tidbits

The Minotaur Warriors of the Giant Grasslands of Primordia are simple minded nomadic tribesmen with impressive long halberds spears and axes. They use these weapons to hunt eat and skin the local dinosaurs. Likely trading it with nearby minotaur tribes. But did you know that these tribesmen will be tricked into selling their souls into contract with the Dark Eternals causing them to become undead minotaurs?

Keep Summoning and See You In The Splinterlands


Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

nice thumbnail, especially adding that ancient pot 😉 I also liked your lineup strategy. Keep playing splinterlands and post awesome contents!
