Neb Seni - Don't let his pretty face make you think he's not tough! [EN] // Neb Seni - Que su Cara Bonita no te haga pensar que no es Rudo! [ES]

From distant and strange lands came Draykh-Nahka Neb Seni, this dragon summoning prince, who, although he was not well known in the world of Splinterlands, was soon accepted, because of his abilities and strong powers. He gained the trust of the great golden dragon and thus established himself as one of the best dragon summoners in all of Gloridax

This handsome prince who also goes all over the Splinterlands, leaving hearts in love with his beauty, is characterized by providing greater speed of attack to his monsters allies in battle, thus leaving on the ground all his opponents. Although he's not large or intimidating in appearance, he has also managed to arouse fear in his opponents, thus earning himself one of the most important positions among summoners.

Even the misunderstood Shin-Lo has been mastered by this rare summoner, who has really made history in the world of the feared, young, intelligent and fast Splinterlands, a winning combination in this world of battles and dragons.

We can find the NEB SENI in the Promo version of the letters from Splinterlands, the truth is that I was never lucky enough to find one in these packages, and besides when I started to play I didn't have much knowledge of everything in the game, it was a long time after that I knew that I could get it by buying it in the market and I left it for later and didn't buy it anymore, but without a doubt you can't deny that it is one of the best old school summoners, it is the most expensive loader of the rare ones, and nowadays it is not common to find it in battle. It brings +1 speed to allied monsters, so make sure your monsters attack first, giving them a bonus advantage when using it. This anime cartoon-like summoner has been very popular since its release to date.

Images taken from the official website of Splinterlands, gif made with the help of Pixaloop

Thanks for taking the time to read this post, if you have any questions, critics or suggestions, I would appreciate it if you leave them in the comment box, and remember, you can make magic wherever you go!


De lejanas y extrañas tierras llego a Draykh-Nahka Neb Seni, este príncipe invocador de dragones, que, aunque no era muy conocido en el mundo del Splinterlands, muy pronto fue aceptado, por sus habilidades y fuertes poderes. Supo ganarse la confianza del gran dragón dorado y con eso se consolido como uno de los mejores invocadores de dragones de todo el Gloridax

Este apuesto príncipe que además va por todo el Splinterlands dejando corazones enamorados de su belleza, se caracteriza por proporcionarle mayor velocidad de ataque a sus monstruos aliados en la batalla, dejando así en el terreno a todos sus oponentes. Aunque no es alguien corpulento o de apariencia intimidante, ha logrado despertar además el temor en sus contrarios, ganándose así uno de los puestos más importantes dentro de los invocadores.

Incluso ha podido dominar al incomprendido Shin-Lo, y es que este raro invocador, realmente ha hecho historia en el mundo del Splinterlands, temido, joven, inteligente y veloz, una combinación seguramente ganadora en este mundo de batallas y dragones.

Podemos encontrar al NEB SENI en la versión Promo de las cartas de Splinterlands, la verdad es que nunca tuve la suerte de encontrarme uno en estos paquetes, y es que además cuando comencé a jugar no tenía mucho conocimiento de todo en el juego, fue mucho tiempo después que supe que podía obtenerlo comprándolo en el mercado y lo fui dejando para después y ya no lo compre, pero sin duda no se puede negar que es uno de los mejores invocadores de la vieja escuela, es el cargador más costoso de los raros, y actualmente no es común encontrarlo en batalla. Aporta +1 de velocidad a los monstruos aliados, así que asegura que tus monstruos ataquen primero, dándole un plus de ventaja al usarlo. Este invocador con apariencia de caricatura de anime ha sido muy popular desde su salida hasta la fecha.

Imágenes tomadas de la página web oficial de Splinterlands, gif hecho con la ayuda de Pixaloop

Gracias por tomarse el tiempo de leer este post, si tiene alguna pregunta, crítica o sugerencia, te agradecería que la dejaras en el cuadro de comentarios, y recuerda, ¡Puedes hacer magia donde quiera que vaya!

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Yeah. Neb is pretty cool. I guess, I need to buy it before it gets too expensive. Thanks for sharing.

You post has been manually curated by @monster-curator Team!**



I thought the same thing, then it could be very expensive and almost impossible to buy it!


I thought the same thing, then it could be very expensive and almost impossible to buy it!


Thanks for sharing! - @rehan12

Tbh I have not used him in any of my game and was not lucky enough to get him yet. But it can be pretty lethal in some games. You really gave him a nice plot, in his journey by your words 🙂


Thanks for the support, good that it was to your liking, this summoner is really good, I hope to buy it soon!


Thanks for the support, good that it was to your liking, this summoner is really good, I hope to buy it soon!
