SHARE YOUR BATTLE -E'free't Win Using The Efreet Elder?



Due to the fact that I'm a new player and does not own Efreet Elder, in order to participate on this challenge I would have to rent it in the shop and or peakmonsters. I could talk about other cards that I use but where is the fun on that. As a newbie I need to try new things to improve and be better to climb up the ranks. By the way the new shop renting is awesome. It gives chance to new players like me to try out new cards and compete in the higher ranks.


I rented Efreet for 7 days for the low low price of 0.7 DEC to try him out and see his full potential. I think this price is reasonable especially for players that are new and still experimenting.


In order to use Efreet on his full capacity, we first need to know who he is and what is his story. You can read his lore in the wiki fandom and cards if you want but I'll summarize it for you and add my own commentary. So, there is a group of people called the Efreets. These people are powerful sorcerers that knows a ton of magic and spells. By the looks of it, I can assume that most of their magic are fire type because of their appearance and the spells are given by Mishna, Mitreyya’s steward who resides in the Burning Lands deep. They are a powerful bunch and the best spell in their arsenal is the envelation of flame. This spells like the name suggest envelops their body in flame like Malric but not as powerful because he is a spectre.



I can only afford to rent the level 1 version of Efreet Elder so the only ability that the card use is 'Last Stand' and if my card is in level 6 and above it will have the ability 'Phase'.

Last Stand is an ability that increased the stats if it's the only Monster on the team alive. Values are multiplied by 1.5 and rounded up.

Phase is an ability that makes magic attacks can miss this Monster (using the same hit/miss calculation as for Melee and Ranged attacks).


Even though Efreet has only 1 magic damage from level 1 to 3, he has a big health pool that can tanks some damage. And when he is the only monster in your field, the Last Stand will kick in and his magic damage and health will increase. This ability is super clutch and will win you games.

I mostly use him in games that have a lower mana pool like only 14 mana. I use 1 tank and Efreet. You can also use a bait like a chicken for some damage sponge. The game I will share is a 14 mana game. Let's talk about the first game.


Battle and Lineup

1st game


Battle Link:


I used Pyre to get the extra speed. You can use Malric Inferno but there is no benefit for Efreet because he uses magic damage. By using Pyre I can increase the speed of monster making them hard to hit and make them attack faster.


Serpentine Soldier is the tank I used in this battle. He has 1 armor and 4 health so he can take a hit, 1 damage to increase my dps ( damage per second or in this case damage per turn), 4 speed so he can attack faster and has a chance to dodge attacks and the most useful is his ability called 'Shield' that lessen the damage taken from the enemies.
Efreet will be the main damage dealer in this scenario. Because he uses magic he can deal damage directly to the health of his opponents. I just use the tank to give him a chance to deal some pot shots to the enemy. And when the tank died, this is where he truly shine. The Last Stand ability will take its effect and boosting his stats. He can easily out health his enemies due to his massive hp pool.


You can watch the full battle using the link I provided. I will just show the highlights where Efreet Elders pop off and show his last stand ability.
In the first round we can see that his damage is fairly normal. 1 magic damage, 9 health, and 3+1 or 4 speed given by Pyre.

In the round 4 this is where the Last Stand ability pop off. Because he is the only monster that I have the Last Stand gave him +1 magic damage, +5 health in my case, and +3 speed. He carried a 2v1 scenario giving me the win.



This may not be the best and exciting battle ever but this gameplay show how powerful his Last stand ability is. You may be losing in the first half or you are outnumber but in the end if Efreet is the only card in your deck he can easily turn the battle around and make the L to a W. The strategy clearly work or in my case it works in lower ranks. You just need to put your trust on Efreet and place him accordingly for him to pop off. I personally like Efreet, His damage is ok but his health and ability 'Last Stand' is the best for turning the tides and having a comeback game. I also like his design and lore making his whole body enveloped by flames. Overall, he is usable and a good card. Note: Im still new and maybe there are better cards out there but Efreet is usable and can win you games.

Thank you for reading my blog about this unbelievable game and also follow @splinterland in twitter and join their discord they are truly a friendly bunch.

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