RE: Splinterlands Share Your Battle Challenge With Giant Squid

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Great thorough analysis here, I agree that the squid is unlikely to be the star of the show! Certainly in that first battle the ruler and Mermaid triage combo is the winner.

You had the same as me - 'blind' doesn't seem to make a blind bit of difference with this card.

I'm now wondering if there's been a coding error? Honestly I played several battles and I didn't notice any blinding effect from the squid.

Given that blind seems completely ineffective with this card I'd much rather play either:

  • The water elemental for 5 Mana
  • Pirate archer plus the triage mermaid
  • The sniping narwhal as part of a snipe line up.
  • Or even the Goblin Chariot, massive 4 damage when levelled up.

Actually looking at the relative prices of the GCh compared to this card, the later seems undervalued, I'm going to snap a few up!
