Splinterlands Challenge of the Week: Retaliate

This week's Splinterlands Challenge of the Week was to showcase the Retaliate Ability....

And The Hydra is one of the best retaliate cards out there, featuring 4 damage at max level, decent health and a stack of damage stats which can trigger one after the other.

The only real weakness of The Hydra is that he lacks any kind of shield or void buff, reducing his utility as a Tank, but in 'melee monsters' attack from any position, he's a must play!

The battle below features the myself and my opponent playing Retaliate cards - the lesson is even when it works for you, Retaliate won't help you kill off a load of Legendaries if you have none yourself!

The Rule Set and Line Up

  • Mana 48
  • Silence Summoners
  • Trample (hence the Hydra!)

Screenshot 2021-06-28 at 19.33.06.png

Summoner - Lianna

  • Hydra - I wouldn't normally play him as a tank, but combined with shields, repair and silence, I was happy enough to do so.
  • Centauri mage - such a useful card as a second tank with that repair!
  • Spirit of the Forest - always best played! Heal and protect, nice!
  • The mushroom - for silence mainly, nice damage too
  • Aticca head hunter - my main damage card, what's not to like about 6 damage!
  • Kron - if you've got the mana for it, may as well Last Stand It!

Did my strategy work?

Yes, as you might well expect with three to zero Legendaries, but not in the way you might think! To see it in action click here!

  • Round 1 - I lose my Hydra, mainly thanks to the Wasp Queen retaliating, my Hydra doesn't return the favour and take her down, but someone else does and my opponent's second tank, the Mech ends up being afflicted! Nice!
  • Round 2 - I take out his Mech, my Centaur clings on for dear life!
  • Round 3 - I lose my Centaur but also take out his Energy, that 6 ranged damage coming in very handy!
  • Round 4 - my Spirits now in front, she is quite handy there, eliciting a miss and I also take out his next two monsters, it's all over!

How important was The Retaliate Ability?

It made no difference to my opponent AT ALL! It worked perfectly for him but at the end of the day I had a far superior deck of cards which ultimately made the difference.

Maxed legendaries simply trump maxed commons, hands down!

If you don't yet play Splinterlands, why not give it a go?

Anyone using my referral link will receive a free rare card!


I find the hydra to be an excellent addition to the opportunist ruleset as well... perhaps more so, because you can put the chicken (or another weak throwaway) in front of him and bait the quick, but often weak monsters into triggering those abilities as stated above.

I often take out the enemy from the middle in those matches. 😊


Sounds like a good strategy! The chicken is very useful in those Opp battles!


Lol. It just dawned on my that the chicken trick needs stampede and opportunist, which is a far more rare combo to get but I’m pretty sure it’s my favorite match to play.

I guess disregard everything I said and keep in mind idiots are everywhere. I’ll do better tomorrow. 😁


I find most people just ignore the Stampede ruleset, it's a tough one to make work for you, so it's good to have some ideas, however rare it is that you can play them!


wow that's an amazing card the hydra, I liked your publication Retaliate !LUV


Thanks for sharing! - @cieliss

Undeniably HYDRA is one of the best neutral type cards of the early editions, and certainly your strategy was brilliant combining it with CENTAURI MAGE and SPIRIT OF THE FOREST, as, it could hold up long enough to finish off their Nectar Queen tank !!
