RE: Three Fixes to Improve the Collection Power Fix

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As part of the "collateral damage" group, I disagree with Fix 1.
I don't have leveled up summoners to use my leveled up cards so I could care less about increasing them. It took me months just to get a single copy of all the summoners I wanted in order to feel like I could compete regardless of the scenario. When I go to the market I look for inexpensive summoners first and gold cards second. I need the gold cards to increase my extremely slow DEC gain.

I'm not sure I understand fix 3. What cards would be ineligible for rewards? Would having a single shadow card make the entire team worthless? How would we avoid using these cards? Currently the "no neutral" quest is by far the hardest simply because there isn't a good way to avoid picking a neutral card... Its a reflex to include the chicken after all! ;)

Aside from that I am reserving my judgement until I see what happens after the change. I agree something needs to be done and expect there are better solutions than the collection power fix.

My personal solution would be two fold.

  • Gut the daily quest rewards. Give out 5 rewards regardless of tier to everyone who completes a daily quest.
  • Make bots ineligible for season rewards above a certain level. This has the same impact as trapping them in lower tiers without punishing real people.

Thanks for posting! As usual I look forward to what you share next :)
