Splinterlands Weekly Battle Challenge - The Slippery and Shocking Electric Eels


A bit late here, but back with another Splinterlands Battle Challenge. The original challenge itself was posted late, and then I didn't have the card in question - Electric Eels, so I decided to pick one up. Technically, any card could be used for a post, but in the spirit of the challenge and to expand my collection, seemed the best to get one.

Electric Eels is a melee monster for the Water Splinter - a Splinter I generally associate with strong ranged and/or magic damage instead. At the lower levels, it has the Reach skill allowing it to start striking from second position and gains Blast at level 5 (though I bought a level 3 card and can't drive that fully with my summoners). Despite not having an adequately leveled summoner, I decided to take it for a spin in a 48 Mana battle.

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Watch the Replay Here

The association of strong range/magic monsters with the Water Splinter definitely helped influence my lineup here. The front half consists a Chain Golem, Electric Eels, and Demented Shark. Though I'm giving up a damage dealing spot with Demented Shark, it buffs both the Chain Golem and the Electric Eels, adding 2 DPR (damage per round) total. The back half is all long range heavy hitters - Cornealeus, Axemaster, and the Phantom of the Abyss (probably my favorite Water card).

Collectively, the lineup is able to cut through the main tank in the first round, though the Chain Golem is lost. Once the Electric Eels and Demented Shark fall, Cornealeus fills the void by being a huge heavy wall that is able to heal. The Mitica Headhunter eventually moves up to first position, meaning it can't attack - allowing Cornealeus to tank the rest of the damage dealt leaving my Axemaster and Phantom untouched.

Overall I think the Electric Eels is a useful monster for adding that little extra bit of melee damage per round. At higher levels it's arguably more useful for extending the damage further back with blast. It's a good pick up for my collection and has some extra headroom for when I have a higher level summoner.

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