My Season End Rewards! Probably Last Time seeing this pop-up!


I am still not 100% sure about this decision but if ever I would really go with it then I would definitely miss seeing this pop-up for a while. XD

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This new season, I decided to try out something new. I decided to stay in the GOLD Leagues and compete in the GOLD LEADERBOARDS. I'm not competing the TOP 5 but most likely only a spot in the TOP 6-10. XD

As to whether I have a chance of reaching the TOP 10 spot, well last season I ended the season at 3363 BATTLE POINTS rating (even made it to 3450+ but got some loses in the last few hours), so with 3363 BATTLE POINTS, that would definitely put me in the TOP 6 spot last season if I only stayed in the GOLD Leagues. XD


So yeah, I am thinking of staying this season in the GOLD LEAGUES. I am also curious how much DEC I would get this season compared to me reaching the DIAMOND LEAGUES.

I would definitely miss getting more DAILY QUEST REWARDS per day but that 10+ UNTAMED PACKS better be worth it in the season end. XD

As to my SEASON END REWARDS. Well it's not that bad with me getting 2 GOLD CARDS, only COMMONS though but definitely better than my usual season end rewards.


Also got 1 UNTAMED PACK and got a GOLD PARASITIC GROWTH card from it so not bad. XD


Also got 701 DEC REWARDS in total so yeah, definitely not bad of a season end compared to my usual ones. I'm now looking forward to the next one. XD

