The power of 'BLIND' ability! Flexing my 8-speed monster missing a 2-speed Chicken!


Honestly at this point instead of being frustrated as to how bad my monsters are at RNG, I am now starting to embrace their absurdity. Lol

If you guys remember days ago I had a ranked match battle against someone. This player had a GELATINOUS CUBE with a speed of only 3 against my WATER ELEMENTAL with a speed of 7. I did find that match quite frustrating to watch since I thought the opponents Gelatinous Cube had no buffs but apparently a monster of his had a 'BLIND' ability and so I was able to accept the fact that my Water Elemental with a speed of 7 missed a monster with a speed difference of 3.

However on one of my match yesterday (yeah I do pay attention on my matches XD), the same thing happened again and it honestly made me feel much worse as my SCREECHING VULTURE with a magnificent speed of 8 managed to miss hitting the opponents FURIOUS CHICKEN with just a speed of 2! A SPEED DIFFERENCE OF 6!


Just how overpowered is this blind ability. Or is my monsters RNG just that bad for them to be missing even with such a difference in speed.

The funny thing is that whenever I use a monster with 'BLIND' ability, I honestly don't feel its effects as my opponents still hit me like 99% of the time. Lol

It is really frustrating to watch my monsters RNG to be this bad.

If you guys wanna see the full battle here ya go:

Spoiler alert, I did win that much. XD
