9 Loot Chests reward secured this season on Splinterlands



On Splinterlands this season, I have already secured a reward of 9 Loot Chests.

This means that by the end of this season, I will get nothing less than 9 loot chests as reward because I have already advanced to Bronze I after I reached a rating of 700.

The next league after Bronze I is Silver III and I will have to get my rating to 1,000 in order to unlock silver league and play in Silver III. Once I get my rating to 1,000 and advance to Silver III, my reward will increase to 12 Loot Chests.

Checking through my records on the Splinterlands game, I have fought a total battle of 1,979 and I have won 1,237 total battles. This means that I have only lost 742 battles. This is a fair record but I can still do better.

Hope to see you all on the battle ground

Thanks for Dropping By !

Best regards

