splinterlands daily swearfest - horrible day 3


starting points 1872 - ending points 1908 (got fucked out of a 200 point gain )

the early rounds - got a decent run going - then BAMMM - hitz the level 8's

well, crap - got busy and missed getting the daily done early

annnddd i get my shit water splinter for the daily

lost the first match to the exact same fucking cards

son of a bitch - let's lose 3 in a fucking row

4 in a row - lost the last match to all fucking level 1's - another FUCKING BULLSHIT day in splinterlands

motherfucker - now here comew the level 8 ass clowns

annnddd - now i've lost 100 fucking points - so much for thinking i was getting ahead in the early matches - FUCK FUCK FUCK !!!

motherfucker - now it's nothing but high-levels and heavy hitters - i'm fucked right back into silver league

it's just like last season where it took me 2 fucking weeks to get out of shitty fucked up silver league

yay - let's fucking lose 3 in a row - AGAIN !!!!

whoops - lost 4 in a row AGAIN - got fucked out of the 200 points I made earlier - FUCK !!!

hell yeah - up to losing 5 in a row now - almost back to where i started this morning - fucking dogshit water splinter

6 in a row fucking pissed away - this is such fucking bullshit

7 in a row fucking pissed away - right back into garbage fucking silver league

yay - i finally fucking won a match vs all level 1's - such impresive - fucking garbage

  • i made a whopping 30 point gain after getting fucked out of the othe 170 - fucking dogshit

at least i got 1 half-assed decent card for the days bullshit fest

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