Splinterlands Quidditch[Best Bet of Splinterlands][A great card purchase]



Hello Splinterlords!

I´m happy to participate on this week challenge # for the celebration of the #BDCS on their 4 year since fundation. #BDCcontest

I want to share with you one of the best card purchase using Monstermarket splinterlands thirdparty market.

The card I got was a Promo Level 6 Epic Monster Card Non Foil Dwarven Wizard.

Image from purchase below:


There are many reasons why this was a great purchase:

  1. It´s a very usable monster card, because it is neutral, cheap mana cost, strong magic attack, high life, 1 armor and besides that has Snipe and Stun abilities.

  2. This is a card from the out of stock Promo ORBS, wich soon will be replaced with DICE. The good thing about this Promo cards, is that their burning price are really high compared to current burning rates, this card has a burn value of 600 DEC per BCX. This card is maxed, so it has 5% extra Burn Value, at max level it has a total of 46 BCX.


Let´s do some math: 46 BCX * 600 Burn Value = 27,600 DEC Burn Value

but remember we get 5% extra when it´s a max level card.

So: 27,600 DEC Burn Value * 1.05 = 28,980 DEC Burn Value.

Now let´s check what I paid for it:


I paid a total of 30,304.537 DEC

And the Card Burn Value is 28,980 DEC

So: 30,304.537 DEC - 28,980 DEC = 1,324.537 DEC

This means I paid only 1,324.537 extra above the Burn Value DEC of the card.

But that´s not all!

Because I used Monstermarket I got a total of 908.136 DEC as cashback (you get 3% cashback on all purchases made with monstermarket)


From the 1,324.527 DEC I paid above Burn Value DEC of the card, I got back 908.136 DEC

1,324.527 - 908.136 = 416.401 DEC

That´s it, I only paid 416.401 DEC extra over the Burn Value DEC. What a bargain, for a really good card.

I love using Monstermarket, helps making great deals, even better.

Until the next one!, and hope you all have a great next year with BDC.
