#steem, #steemit, #steempeak and #splinterlands statistics on twitter.


Here is the recent tweet statistics of #steem, #steemit and #steempeak after OCDB starts posh hashtag on steem.

Here is the recent statistics of #steem on twitter.

Trackmyhashtag says the potential impressions of steem hashtag is more than 198k. And I am really sorry to say that the potential impression of these hashtags are decreasing. I don't know why but I think people are using this hashtag more after OCDB introduced posh (proof of sharing). It was 201k+ when @acidyo posted about posh here.

Here is the recent #steemit statistics on twitter :-

Here Trackmyhashtag says it is more than 248k+ but it was 348k+ when acidyo posted about posh.

Here is the recent statistics of #steempeak :-

Here Trackmyhashtag says it is 283k+ but it was 263k+. Here increases some.

But here is statistics of splinterlands hashtag :-

It is about 400k potential impressions. This is really great. Now a days I am playing splinterlands much and I am making contents about it. I always share my posts on twitter using #steem and other related hashtags. I think splinterlands can promote steem to the world and it is already doing that. I mainly create posts/videos about splinterlands

Here is the recent statistics of my twitter account.


I think we everybody should start using twitter and we should share our thoughts and posts on twitter so that we can gain more steemians. Obviously the price of steem is pushing.

I think we can expect more but we should work unitely and we should promote steem to others. And splinterlands players can promote this game too and eventually it will help steem.

Thanks everyone.

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These are some great stats! Keep sharing!


You have been manually curated by the @splinterlands / @steemmonsters team!

Thank you for SHARING your Splinterlands content with the world! The more the merrier!

Enjoy your juicy upvote and keep creating excellent Splinterlands content!
