What Splinterlands-Steem monsters teaches me about investing


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Steem monster is a decentralized crypto card game which has been renamed to splinterlands.

On the first look one may say it is only a card game but to the discerning eye it is a lot more.

  • To begin with it is a decentralized crypto card game backed by a blockchain.
  • Secondly even if you do not have crypto you can still play it by buying a starter pack paying with good old fiat.

Either way you could use this link of mine to get started with the game

Investing and setting your daily goals with crypto

Crypto is a wonderful space right now. A lot is happening and a lot of projects are blooming all over the place.
However to make the most of the opportunities one need to be watchful, aware and alert.

  • Rather than HODLING one crypto one is better off diversifying the portfolio.

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  • Do not invest all at once because tomorrow the price may be lower so it is good to invest
    incrementally and let the crypto grow when the going is good

This is where the Steonsters /Splinterlands games comes in handy.
To begin with it comes with a starter pack of 30 cards.
You do not know what these cards are until you open the pack.

So like life luck too plays its part here.
But with some work you can change your luck
There are daily tasks to be completed these help you earn reward which are cards.

You can grow your portfolio or trade these cards on the marketplace .
Using the principle of buy low sell high you could pocket some handsome crypto gains.

However it is good to perform daily tasks for growing on a regular incremental manner.

The big opportunities come via tournaments where one can win bigger value cards and steem/sbd rewards.
This is one of the best and by far the most interesting way to grow your crypto.

Disclaimer : This is the opinion of the author and not an investment advice


Dear @thetimetravelerz

Is there many players actually on splinterlands? Just curious.

ps. would you mind telling me how do you benefit from sharing this ref link? Just curious again :)



Hey buddy there are thousands of people .
By using my link if someone buys a starter pack to play the game I would earn a small commission

Posted using Partiko Android
