1 Herons account to Champ 3 and the other to Gold 1.. Happy!

champ 3 lava.png

The last hours before the end of a season are always tough to climb up in ranking

But thankfully, I was able to reach Champion 3 again with @lava-heron. I remember that it was the same thing last season, the very last day I touched Champion 3 and quit playing as soon as this happened. I know it's tough out there so not going to risk losing points today. I unlocked 80 reward cards, so I'm happy. This was the battle getting me into Champion 3:

diamond to champ battle lava.png

Let's have a look if I got any juicy rewards opening them in Champion 3:

lava rewards.png

Not bad as you can see...

The other herons account I play used to be silver league...

But recently the deck owner has upgraded quite some cards (thanks!!!) which makes playing this account a lot more fun. I reached Gold 1 yesterday:

tiger gold1.png

I'm quite sure I can reach Diamond with this account, but not today. I dropped down to the lower side of gold 1 and decided to quit before I dropped back more. Next season I'm confident to reach diamond with it. The last rewards from that herons account before season reset:

tiger rewards.png

That was boring, don't you agree? Oh well, probably some very cool rewards are waiting to be opened at the end of the season? That's why the system decided to throw commons only at me today.. lol.. #wishfulthinking...

Good luck out there in the battlefield! See you on the other side ;)

