Splinterlands February Earnings Review


Time flies and another month has passed. That means it is time to review the Splinterlands earnings from the month.

As with previous months, I will only be focusing on the earnings from 3 aspects: Quest Rewards, Ranked Battle Rewards and Season Ending Rewards. Focusing on the DEC earnings in these 3 areas help to eliminate the subjectivity around card values.

Anyway, no valuable cards received.

Quest Rewards

Quest rewards for the month came up to 1,265 DEC. Didn't play that much this month and some days, I didn't complete the daily quest.

Ranked Battle Rewards

Rewards earned from battling opponents came up to 2,107 DEC. This is a little lower than usual but i suppose the fact that Feb is a short month adds to it.

Ranked Season Rewards

Season ending rewards were 1,202 in February. The end of the month one was particularly bad - only 52 DEC.


In total, I earned 4,575 DEC in February. Assuming a DEC value of $0.0006, that works out to around $2.75.
