Magi of the Forest - Character Profile - SplinterLore

He speaks to the wind,
He laughs with the trees,
Our souls he'll defend,
Our spirits he frees.

-from the Seedling Rhymes

Peacebringer 8.png

Magi of the Forest

Splinter - Anumün

Class - Magic Attack

Size - 37 Chickens

Lifespan - The Magi of the Forest is approximately 850 years old. He does continue to age, but so gradually that it is unnoticeable within a normal lifetime. Long ago, when magic was still plentiful in the Splinterlands, he discovered his own secret to ever-extended youth. Some day, he will die, but the Magi realizes that day may still be thousands of years from now.

Habitat - The Magi of the Forest resides in the Magi Tower, high in the Seed Mountains. From there, he can watch over Summoner’s Green, his school in the Western Wood. Even with such a formidable residence, the magi spends much of his time traveling abroad.

Diet - The Magi of the Forest is well-known for his adventurous eating habits. He travels far and wide, and will always eat what is placed in front of him. Perhaps he is emboldened by some mysterious form of digestive magic. He has even been seen eating Naga Sleem, the most revolting dish imaginable by any but Naga standards.

Allies - The Magi of the Forest has many friends throughout the Splinterlands. Many believe that he is quietly organizing the world according the Spirit of the Forest’s will (or perhaps his own). The Magi’s alliances are even more plentiful than those of the Order of the Silver Shield.

Enemies - For some time, the Magi of the Forest has been the subject of numerous and ongoing Gloridax investigations. They fancy themselves covert, but he has known for years. The paranoia of the Dragonfolk is merely amusing to the Magi; he knows they have no real authority over him.

Pastimes - For a man who has lived for nearly a millennium, the Magi of the Forest continues to live life to the fullest with the vivacity of an excited youth. He adores music and the theatre; he can always be found at the fanciest events of Splinterlands society. Although he no longer summons on the tournament level, the Magi takes great interest in all the Mount Mox games, as well as the more subtle Gloridax machinations.

History - In the year of the Splintering 202, a Lyverian priest named Xantar Silva discovered a way to summon monsters to battle at his bidding. With Silva’s Spell, the essence of a monster is transported from the physical realm and projected into a designated space. Even more fascinating was the fact that monsters summoned in this way were never actually harmed in their physical bodies. Win or lose, the monster always found itself back in its home unscathed.

The Spirit of the Forest quickly took notice of this incredible discovery in those times of dwindling magic after the Splintering. Xantar Silva was taken deep into the magical shroud of the Hungry Wood, where he was taught and guided by the Spirit of the Forest herself in the shadow of the Eldest Tree. During these years, Silva drank only the waters of the River of Wisdom, which no one had enjoyed since long before the Splintering. His magic and knowledge was expanded beyond comprehension, and Xantar Silva underwent the transformation of a hundred lifetimes.

When finally Xantar Silva was led from the Spirit’s Grove, the vastness of all existence lay before him. He had shed his name. From that day on, he became known only as the Magi of the Forest. After forty years with the Spirit of the Forest, he knew it was time to teach the people the ways of summoning. He went immediately to a sacred place in the Western Wood of Anumün, now called Summoner’s Green and said to himself, “Here I will make my school.”

Having discovered the secret to vastly long life, the Magi spent a full eighty years building a great tower in the valley the cuts the Seed Mountains asunder. For much of the work, the Magi had to enlist the help of Stone Golems, who were happy to do so in exchange for the great stories the Magi would tell.

From atop the newly completed Magi Tower, the Magi of the Forest peered off at the River of Life, glistening in the setting sun. Far in the disance he could see his school, Summoner’s Green, with dozens of hungry, magical minds who seek only to summon. The Magi of the Forest knew not that he was crafting the very future.



Keep up the good work Chris, these updates on all the characters are great!


Keep up the good work
Chris, these updates on all the
Characters are great!

                 - contestkings

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.


Thanks! :) I just released Minotaur Warrior as well.

Eventually, all these profiles will be displayed on the website, but holy crap, I have a ways to go, especially with the new set coming out soon. I have completed profiles for about 90% of the original set. I appreciate the support!
