Naga Fire Wizard NFT Battle Challenge

Naga Fire Wizard.png

The Flame Naga of the Burning Lands are tough. Not only are they extremely intelligent and skilled in every known weapon, but they have recently been taught magic by order of the Flaming Robe. In the last Mount Mox tournament season, the Flame Wizards really cleaned up.


Splinterlands, my favorite game, gives you the chance to win NFT battle cards which you can use in rumbles, sell, rent, burn, lend, or just HODL. It's up to you. Your cards are your cards. Every week they have a battle challenge focusing on a different card.

This is a strong card right from the beginning as it has a shield which protects against melee and ranged attacks at level one and the thorn ability at level five which usually hurts enemies more than they do you when attacked. Even if there is just one heart left, that thorn ability can take out shields or even kill the attacker setting up the monsters behind you for better chances at victory.


I took a screenshot of my battle above. You can see me at the bottom. I belong to the Mandalorians Guild. We are ranked about the 50th guild. Joining a guild helps build a community within the game as well as earning bonus crypto for every victory, buildings, and brawls.

I put out the chicken first in a classic Splinterlands move. It costs nothing and has just one heart, but a powerful monster will usually waste its first attack on the chicken. After they killed my dog, I was getting worried, but the Naga Fire Wizard's shield ability saved the day winning us the victory. Thank you for reading. Check out my battle here:


Thanks for sharing! - @mango-juice

Please try to to increase the quality for maybe better rewards my friend. Keep playing splinterlands.
