Muh Splinterlands Season Rewards!


Not sure how I did it, but somehow I managed to make it to Diamond III. I was positive I was ending the season in Gold I after the deck power rule changes. Anyway, woke up this morning to discover Diamond III.

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Now if I'm correct about this, I'm just a few hundred power away from starting in the Diamond leagues. Although, I don't think those stats are in our profiles yet.

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Anyway, The Dood's not a technical guy. It'll work out however it works itself out. Here's my league rewards

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Scored some potions. 20 DEC. Loving the Wave Runner and Sand Worm cards. I use both of those a lot always happy to add to their power. Screeching Vulture is a pretty decent card. I've only used that Flame Monkey a couple times. I generally use the Creeping Ooze when I only need a 1 mana card, however Flame Monkey comes in handy for those reverse power battles.

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A few more potions. Did a little better on the DEC in this lot. A couple Ant Miner cards, another Phantasm, and a Screaming Assassin. That Screaming Assassin is one of my favorite cards so I'm always happy for more cards to powerup.

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More potions! A nice score of DEC, a Grim Reaper, and a Serpentine Mystic.

Not a great lot of rewards but not terrible either. I do miss those extra loot chests from the Champion Leagues. No booster packs :( I love winning booster packs.

Well nothing to really write home about this season. I'm guessing I'll be finishing in the Diamond Leagues next season. I'm really confused as to how I made it this season though.

See you on the battlefield!


The extra chests are because they managed to change the rules after the start of the season, so you may still have been in a higher league then.

All these potions are no good if you don't buy card packs. It's a shame you cannot sell them. That Sand Worm is a powerful card that I use a lot. I have a nice gold one. I just got back into Gold, but I cannot get into Diamond with my current cards. Need a lot more for that. It may take a while.


I think I'm about 3 or 4 thousand short for Diamond leagues.

I've thought the same thing about the potions. Would be great to sell them or even do giveaways with them. I've got hundreds of them now, and maybe buy 4 or 5 packs a month plus the occasional won booster pack. I stopped using potions for daily rewards though, long before they changed the rules. Now that I want to use them, I can't.

Hang in there, we'll climb the ranks again soon. Took me since close to the start of this thing to finally start making it into Champion leagues, I'm still a little grumpy about this setback, but I'll get over it!
