My Steemmonsters Adventure - Completed the daily quest after two days


For the past two days, it had been a struggle for me to complete the daily quest because I was locked with Life splinter. My life splinter deck is not very great right now. I have not focused on upgrading my life splinter deck. Though I have that in my plan, for now, I'm managing with my other decks.


I received the above cards from the daily quest today. By mistake, I fled from some of the battles and after that, I managed to continuously win the games to complete my daily quest with Earth Splinter. When I think about investing using the liquid steem that I currently have, I'm also wondering if that will be a loss for me because the price of steem is very low now.


I somehow manage to complete the daily quest regularly to grab some rewards. But while doing that my focus on progressing to the next league level is becoming a big challenge with the current cards that I hold. Another reason is that the number of players playing the high level is also drastically increasing every season. For normal players, it becomes a challenge to climb to a higher league without upgrading the deck.
