¡The Vikings are coming!


Source of own gameplay

Bloody fights with Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Germans and Slavs

*Ancestors Legacy departs from the massive and colossal strategy of Total War in its classic variant, eliminating large hosts and complex battle movements, and betting on more condensed and easy-to-handle combats. This does not mean that we do not have fights with hundreds of characters on the screen, but that everything will be much faster, dirty and direct. After all, we are in the Middle Ages, and the Vikings and their looting are the main protagonists. In Ancestors Legacy we have four distinct armies, Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Germans and Slavs, each with its own campaign or history and its own strategic variants and special units in combat.*

For example, the Anglo-Saxons have large infantry units and powerful archers, while the Germans enjoy good armor and heavy cavalry, with the Slavs being the fastest manufacturing and summoning units on the battlefield. The Vikings, meanwhile, are the ones with the most versatile infantry units in combat. Each campaign is made up of about five chapters that will look for different scenarios and tactical variants so that the player must always adapt quickly, making the most of the army he is currently controlling.

Source of own gameplay

Knowing the terrain and using stealth are essential

A very important facet in Ancestors Legacy is the one related to the change of attack and defense position. Managing the role of our troops in the video game is vital, since in a second, we can see how the situation turns in favor or against, changing the role we must play on the ground. With a single button touch, we can grant each unit or troop a defined role in combat, inviting it to attack - with its extra bonus in the fight - or defend - with a greater degree of protection. This is especially useful when we are left unprotected in our settlement or when we need to defend a remote position at all costs and we have to wait until reinforcements reach the area. If things get complicated, and we see that our options are reduced, we can always fight in retreat and gain time while our soldiers run to a safe position at full speed.

Source of own gameplay

Improving our troops and squeezing the game

The seniority in Ancestors Legacy is a plus. The units and heroes who are the doudest in combat, those who have survived a thousand and one battles and are willing to make war, will be able to level up and improve their characteristics. This will give us special actions, bonuses and improvements in specific units, such as more specific orders. Each unit and group treasures its own experience, a good thing to take care of, since if they die they will go to the badge and we will have to start again with a group of recruits without experience in the fight. Here comes the cure or repair of units, an idea that Destructive Creations has included without much noise in the game, and that allows us to heal our soldiers to endure more in the fight. It has a small but annoying penalty, and while they are being cured, this group can do absolutely nothing in combat.

Hardware of Ancestors Legacy


More shadows than lights are found in the graphic section. Designed based on the Unreal Engine 4, Ancestors Legacy looked great on PC, with a good artistic direction, very worked modeling and detailed scenarios. In fact, one of its main advantages was the way in which the advance of the war was shown in the fighting, with units full of blood, mutilations, burning settlements and chaos everywhere in each battle. The bulk of this presentation has been moved to consoles, but not to the level that current machines deserve.

Source of own gameplay

Ancestors Legacy is not going to go down in history as the best real-time strategy game, nor is it intended. The creators of the controversial Hatred have decided to give us a stark and direct vision of the Middle Ages, with a direct and bloody combat system, a good number of tactical variants and a set of very different factions and armies in combat. If on PC it showed an accessible and fast game style, the same sensations are replicated on consoles, with a very good adaptation in terms of control and interface, although not so much in technical and graphic terms.

With a lot of content and an interesting starting point, especially if you are big fans of medieval history, Ancestors Legacy is a recommended game for that redoubt of ungovernable real-time strategy fans who still remain irreducible on systems like PlayStation or Xbox.
