RE: The Splinterlands Card GiveAway Controversy


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I agree with you, these posts do get boring quick, but check out my 2nd account @steemitmonsters where I used to do giveaways.

The posts all look the same, but the content is different because my idea of giveaways was that people that enter make the content (Probably a poor explanation, but I hope you get what I mean)

And also you are talking alot about putting effort into posts, but it's not that simple.
Some of these posters might be willing to put alot of effort into their posts, but they are lacking creativity, so they just don't know what to use their effort on.

EDIT: I just reached the end of the video :D

Thank you very much, you have made your point really well, and I really support what you are doing.

Steemmonsters/Splinterlands and the SPT Community FTW !!!!
There is a solution for anything, we just have to find it.


Thank you for watching to the end and understanding the controversy. I also get your point about the creativity aspect. I want to look for solutions and create some templates, suggestions, graphics and so on to help everyone out there.
