My First Daily Focus

Daily Focus.png


Yesterday I tried to play with "Daily Focus" in mind. Using the cards that I bought and the cards that were delegated to me I was only able to win 7 out of 20 battles. I think it is not bad considering that I only got weak cards. With that being said, I am going to try and improve my daily focus while still using my current cards. I still haven't mastered all the cards that I got. I think once I master all my cards I will be in good shape winning 50% of battles (unless I will match up with insanely high-ranked players like rank 700.


Here are some of the battles that I won

Win #1

My opponent's Summoner is Obsidian and the monster is Mycelic Slipspawn. My Summoner is Tarsa and my monsters are Kobold Bruiser, Magma Troll, and Venari Spellsmit.

I almost lost this battle as the match dragged down to the last monsters on each side it is a good thing that my monsters managed to kill the lone monster of my opponent.


Win #2

My opponent's summoner is Obsidian, his monsters are Unicorn Mustang, Goblin Psychic, Hunter Jarx, Regal Peryton, Queen Mycelia, Venari Scout. My summoner is Kelya Frendul, my monsters are Deep Lurker, Sea Stalker, Djin Oshannus, Nerissa Trydown.

In this battle, my opponent got one more monster than mine, luckily, the attack damage was in my favor, and some health to spare.


Win #3

My opponent's summoner is Obsidian, and his monsters are Mycelic Slipspawn. My summer is Tarsa and my monsters are Kobold Bruiser, Lava Spider, Goblin Fireballer.

In this battle, I got three monsters while my opponent settled for one monster which proved to be a mistake on his part and I got the win.


Win #3

My opponent's summoner is Obsidisian and his monsters are Unicorn Mustang, Failed Summoner, Khmer Princess, Goblin Psychic. My summoner is Tarsa, my monsters are Living Lava, Blodd Maker, Technowizologist.

In this battle, my opponent got more monsters than I, luckily I got Living Lava which reduced the damages from Melee and Long Range to 50%.


That is all for now guys, catch you up with the next one. Wishing you all safety, good health, and abundance.

Thank you very much to all of the Hive Ecosystem Curation Teams/Individuals, I am very grateful for the upvotes/curation/support. God bless you all!

I am a Computer Engineer, blogger, farmer, gardener, father, and husband. I love countryside living, nature, and farming (rice/vegetables), and I have two decades of experience as an I.T. professional


I am taking some cards off rental to delegate to you
