Dancing to the Universe's Tune: A Poetic Morning Message


YGT Up Before The Sun Private Group

🌅 Up before the sun with gratitude on my mind. I hope this poem touches you today, filling you with joy, maybe even the urge to play.

In a world abundant and bountiful, with beauty and riches, how could one possibly succeed? In naming everything I love, I guess I'll start with these...

I love the April showers, gentle and sweet,
The way they kiss the earth, a love complete.
I love the blooming flowers, colors aglow,
In nature's grand ballet, they steal the show.

I love the Maytime breeze, a tender embrace,
Whispering secrets with a gentle grace.
I love the buzzing bees and their busy song,
In gardens they toil, all day long.

Photo by Daria

I love the June sunsets, painted in gold,
Autumn seed reaped, delivered by a stork or so were told.
I love the fireflies, in twilight they gleam,
Dancing in the moonlight, like a dream.

I love the July fireworks, a burst of delight,
Illuminating the sky, a dazzling sight.
I love the beach's call, waves' endless play,
In sandy castles, memories of the bay.

I love the August heat, a sun-soaked embrace,
Long lazy days, a steady, slow pace.
I love the starry nights, a cosmic display,
In constellations, wishes find their way.

I love the autumn leaves, a vibrant array,
As kids become ghouls on All Hallows' Day.
I love the harvest feast, a bountiful spread,
With gratitude and joy, our hearts are fed.

I love the November rains, a soothing sound,
A symphony on rooftops, all around.
I love Thanksgiving's grace, a table shared,
In laughter and love, we're doubly paired.

Photo by Tobias Bjørkli

I love the December snow, a pure, white quilt,
As holiday lights in the night, are built.
I love the festive cheer, in every town,
In goodwill and kindness, love is found.

I love the universe's grand, endless sprawl,
Its mysteries and wonders, captivating all.
I love this cosmic dance, both near and far,
For in the universe's love, we all are.

So, dear reader, in this playful rhyme,
May your days be filled with love, sublime.
With each month's magic, in joy and strife,
May you find love in the tapestry of life.

Today, as you step into the universe's grand and boundless embrace, for this is life's love letter, and it's written for you.

Don't let time slip away without cherishing moments with those you love. Smile, take chances, touch the grass, create memories that last!

You Got This! Let your day be a joyful dance, a cosmic celebration of love, and may your heart be filled with the wonder of each poetic moment. 🌌💖

I hope you enjoyed my rhyme, I can't express enough gratitude for your time, my is simply to serve, may this day and all that follow bring you all you deserve! #YGT

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