The mythology behind Splinterlands dragons.


Dragons have been a part of pop culture for many decades. Regardless of your age, I'm sure you've come across a dragon at some leisure activity; whether in games, movies, series or cultural events. In Splinterlands, it couldn't be different! Of course, we would have an element dedicated to this mythological being so dear to different countries and cultures.

There is no specific origin or source from which the first reports of Dragons emerged. What is known, albeit uncertainly, is that there are interpretations of this myth since 46 thousand years BC. Several cultures around the world have their own stories of what these beings represent, and throughout this post, I intend to mention some differences and similarities between these legends.

Dinosaurs are the biggest references that would justify the creation of myth, mainly because of the bones found over the millennia. Researchers suggest that prehistoric dinosaurs, birds,s and large whale bones served as the basis for this myth to be developed, as Dragons have characteristics of other animals.

In countries such as China, Korea, India, Japan, and Greece, the dates of the emergence of dragon stories are very close, around 700 to 110 BC. It is also possible to find accounts from ancient Sumer/Babylon, Philippines, and ancient Norse and Celtic civilizations. What do most of these sources have in common? Dragons are associated with the manifestation of strength and protection of nature. Usually referred to as protective spirits, which in some cases can transform into humans.

As we know, in Splinterlands we have a lot of dragons, after all there is an element dedicated to them. I chose three dragons, different from each other to talk about their aspects that reference the myth in different cultures:

Gold Dragon – An ordinary dragon, if we can define a dragon like that, lol. It's a character that has the characteristics of most dragons we see in pop culture; Wings, tails and horns. His special ability in Splinterlands is Flying (Which seems pretty predictable for a dragon). It is a medium-speed spell card with a high health value. A legendary letter that I would definitely like to have.

Hydra - Although in the Lore the first sentence is that this character is not a Dragon, in Greek mythology, Hydra is considered as such. Being the first and most famous Greek dragon, it is known to be one of the 12 jobs that Hercules has to face. In the myth, when cutting off a head, more are born in the place, which makes this monster very powerful. In Splinterlands, it is a speed 4 legendary card and its special ability is Heal. A strong and perfect card for you to have in your deck.

Shin-lo – I saved my favorite Dragon for last. Although among all the cards I spoke, it is the least powerful, in my opinion, Shi-lo is the most beautiful dragon. In Chinese mythology, the Chinese dragon is one of the four sacred animals summoned by Pan Ku (the creator God) to help create the universe. Unlike other western dragons, the Chinese dragon has no wings and has a snake's body, eagle's claws, deer's antlers, ox's ears, and carp's whiskers. I love that in Splinterlands Shin-lo perfectly represents a Chinese dragon. Its special ability is Sneak, it has only 2 health, 2 speed, and 1 magic, but it is a legendary card and a really beautiful card to have in your deck.

We have reached the end of yet another short story about myths. I hope you enjoyed it! See you soon.

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!1UP Ótima abordagem sobre as origens mitológicas desses dragões. O que eu mais gosto dele são as artes realmente incríveis!
