Gold grind with Death only (Cheap Deck)


Hey Splinterlanders!

I have just started the game in August and to be honest it's a pretty fun game.
I was struggling to rank with the "Life" deck and then I changed to "Death" and it went very smoothly.

So my advice for people who are stuck in Silver league. Just play Death!

Cards that I rent:


  • And Chicken, Ooze, Sand Worm as neutral

We will use summoner : Jarlax the Undead (Gold league lvl 3 and Silver lvl 2)

Why do you use this summoner, he has no abilities!

Well... It's a cheap deck and this summoner even if he has no ability, cost only 2 mana which is really nice for our setup, anyway our monster will give to our opponent a lot of debuff, so we don't even need to worry about our summoner.
After that dont forget to max out all your monster level depending on your summoner lvl

For Low mana battle, I usually use : Haunted spirit or Marrow's Ghost + undead Priest and Maggots + cursed sumerball (at level 6, it got redemption which deal 1 dmg to every enemy monster) Which is a great combo with undead priest to kill low sneak or magic battle.
Then if you have some mana left, just put any range, like soulstorm or octopider and Chicken

Most of the battle, you will need to use :
Dark Ha'on, this is the VIP. This guy is so broken at this level, it has taunt, flying, scavenger, and void which will protect our range dmg for a long time. We don't even need to worry about sneak.

Dark Ha'on, Soulstorm + Octopider are usually my play when we have enough mana, then you can fill the rest with Cthulhu or Ancient lich and Undead priest

To finish, I got pretty cool daily reward.


Let me know what do you think! And if it helped you to reach Gold!


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Sorry I didn't know about that but alright I will do that, thank you!
