Battle Mage Secrets Weekly Challenge with Close Range with Kelya


Close Range Ruleset



Units with ranged attacks are allowed to attack in the first position.

You can use high HP or high speed Ranged monsters at position 2 (or even at position 1 if it has Heal). Choose summoners that give a bonus to Ranged attack or to speed and then choose high damage Ranged attack monsters. Beware of the possibility that your opponent might pick Lir Deepswimmer as summoner or monsters with Return Fire. High HP and Heal is the way to go in this ruleset.


The Battle Ruleset


Close Range: Ranged attacks may be used in the first position in battles.
Taking Sides: Neutral Monsters may not be used in battles.

This is a high mana ruleset game and three color is available to play, which is the Fire, Water and Earth Splinters. The Close Range ruleset is amazing, because it will enable all the ranged attack creatures to use their attack from the first position as well making them more versatile.

The Taking Side ruleset will completely ban all the Neutral monsters from the battle, which will make it more difficult to build a solid team. 😀


My Team Composition


Kelya Frendul is one of my favorite Summoner, because he gives one speed and armor to all of his monsters, which means that they will be able to block one melee or ranged attack.


Diemonshark is my tank in this game, because the mana cap is quite high to use him and I want to take advantage of his high speed and attack, which will be further increased as soon as he is damaged thanks to his Enrage ability.

The Trample ability will enable him to continue his attack when he kills an enemy monster.


The Djinn Oshannus is one of the best Water monster, because he works as an off-tank and a damage dealer as well. He is excellent in this battle, because he has a lot of speed and the Void ability, which will make him very resilient against any magic attack monsters.

Kelya and his abilities is a perfect combination with the Djinn Oshannus.


Baakjira is a very good tank with his big stats and three of his abilities on level 3.

He has the Void ability, which will decrease all the magic attacks targeting him.

The Slow as the name suggest will decrease the speed of all the enemy monsters, while the Strengthen ability will increase the health of all of his friendly monsters by one.


The Phantom of the Abyss cost 10 mana is very good monster in a high mana game such as this one. He is very fast and he has big stats (his health could be better) and it is not to easy to hit him, because he is able to Fly and has the Dodge ability to increase his miss chance by the enemy monsters.


The Ruler of the Seas is the absolut damage dealer from the Water Splinter, because he has one of the best ability in the game, which is the Blast.

He cost only 6 mana and he has three magic attack damage, which will be increased by Alric further to four. The Blast ability means that he will damage the other two monsters as well next to his target.

On level 2 he will receive the Swiftness ability, which means that he will increase the speed of all of his monsters by one to make them dodge more against the enemy melee and ranged monsters.


The Axemaster is very good choice for this ruleset, because he can attack twice in every round and on top of that he will take advantage of the Close Range ruleset as well, because if he happens to fell into the first position he will be able to attack from there as well.


The Battle


Link to my battle:


My opponent brought the Immortalis who is like a counter against my mostly magic attack team, so it will be interesting to see who is going to win this battle.

In the first round all of my monsters (except my tank) started attacking their Mycelic Slipspawn, because of her Taunt ability and sadly my magic attack monsters didn't do much damage against her thanks to her Void ability from the Immortalis.

Luckily my Diemonshark managed to dodge both of Grund's attack and survived the first round.

In the second round I lost my Diemonshark and my team also killed their Slipspawn as well thanks to my Axemaster huge damage.

In the third round his Grund died against my Axemaster again and luckily all of enemy monsters missed my Djinn Oshannus high speed.

In the rest of the battle in every round my Axemaster killed one of his monster, so it is safe to say that he was the key monster of this battle. 😀


Do you like Close Range? Why or why not?

I have to say I like the Close Range ruleset, because the ranged attack monsters will be much more reliable be letting them attack from the first position. 😇



What a long day!
I pray that you had a successful day
It was interesting to learn this combination of cards on Pretoria battlefield.
The season ends in a few hours, have you reached your guild of choice?
I am targeting the Diamond League, but it will remain a complex mission.
Good Weekend to you
