BATTLE MAGE SECRETS Weekly Challenge with Earthquake in Gold League



Earthquake ruleset


Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

Using monsters with Flying or Heal is the trick for this ruleset, but if you are unable to choose such monsters, use monsters that have high HP and high damage. Don't keep heal units up front. Shield has a very important role. Using Brighton Bloom as summoner can help in this ruleset. Keep monsters with Flying in last positions when Earthquake has done enough damage to both sides.


The Battle Ruleset


Equalizer: The initial Health of all Monsters is equal to that of the Monster on either team with the highest base Health.
Reverse Speed: Monsters with the lowest Speed attack first and have the highest chance of evading attacks.
Earthquake: Non-flying Monsters take 2 Melee damage at the end of each round.

This is a low mana ruleset game and only three color is available to play the Fire, Water and Earth Splinters plus Dragons. The Equalizer is a very good combination with the low mana ruleset, because it will increase the health of all the monsters on the battlefield and it makes it possible to use a normaly low health monsters to surprise the opponent.

The Earthquake is not that strong if all the monsters has the same health, but a Flying monster would make a lot of difference.


My Team Composition

The Obsidian is an excellent Chaos Legion Summoner and she cost only four mana. She wiill increase the magic damage of all the friendly monsters.
The Chaos Agent cost only one mana and the Equalizer will increrase his health to five and his Dodge and Phase abilities will makes him an excellent tank.
The Fungus Fiend is my off-tank for this battle and surprisingly he would have 5 Health, which is an amazing feature from a zero mana monster and he even knows how to attack.
The Djinn Biljka cost only 3 mana and as a magic attack monster he will have 3 damage thanks to the buff from the Obsidian. He is one of my main damage dealer for this fight.
The Spirit Hoarder is an amazing choice for this battle, because he cost only 3 mana and he has the Blind ability, which will give a 15% miss chance to all enemy monsters. The Triage helps a lot to heal our backline if there is a Sneak or Snipe monster in the enemy team.
I have rented the Goblin Psychic on level 6, where he gets the Silence ability, which comes very handy against another Obsidian or magic attack monsters. The Heal ability is always a good addition and he has the ability to heal all the 5 health monsters front of him.
The Queen Mycelia is one of the best legendary in the Earth Splinter especially in low mana battles, because she has the Triage and Protect ability.


The Battle


Link to my Battle:


My strategy worked as I expected, because I used only the slowest monsters from the Earth Splinter that they could offer, so my monster attacked first. I have tried to assemble a team with a lot of magic damage to penetrate the armor from my opponent monsters and try to kill one or two monsters in every round.

In the first round my opponent lost his main tank and in the second round he lost two more, because we were the fastest. The armor from Queen Mycelia was a very big advantage, because she mitigated the first Earthquake completely.

The end of the battle was very close, because a level 3 Doctor Blight has the Scavenger, which makes him to increase his own health by one with every died monster from the battlefield.

Luckily the Heal and Triage helped me out and made me win this game.


Do you like Earthquake? Why or why not?

Yes I like it, because the Flying monsters are very good and they will have an advantage over the other monsters, but in my fight I focused on the speed difference rather dodging the Earthquake damage, but the Queen Mycelia was there to provide two armor to mitigate at least one round of Earthquake damage on my monsters.



A close knit competition, you were almost close to a loss.
