Splinterlands End of Season Reward


The season for the Splinterlands game is over and another one is started. One season is for approximately two weeks and this way we get two seasons in a month to play and season end is the time when we figure out what reward we have received overall throughout the season and after the end of the season. Now because the chest reward has been removed from the reward mechanism and we get glint tokens as part of the reward. Now I started liking the use case of glint tokens in the shop and there are many options available as well.


Buying Draw

I observed that this season I have got a smaller number of glint tokens, and I don't know the reason behind this drop. Maybe we have some changes happening in the game and this process has been going on for quite some time so it's like things are settling up after the bigger change in the game. I keep on using glint tokens in the shop from time to time to see what options are available and sometimes it's really good. I bought 4 Legendary draws and paid 100k Glint tokens for that. This is what I have received, and I think it's a good outcome.


I also purchased an EPIC draw, and this is what I have received. I think this is a good option because at least we know that we are going to get legendary or epic cards whatever we go within this option and there is no surprise because whatever number of draws we buy the card count will remain the same.


Buying Chest

Chest is the new addition to the game and now I did buy 10 by paying 25k glint tokens.


This is the outcome and It's not good I can say. It's just ok and surely it could be because the team has made some changes to this even after adding it. It was a good experience to try but I won't be trying much for now and will try it later.


The options in the reward shop are getting added but some of them are good and some of them are not so good and I am expecting more options to be added soon. I still think that it is a kind of experience that the team is trying to do, and they are trying to make it better for the community, but the entire process is going to take some time.

Current Season

This season has just started and currently, I am in the Diamond League. This is just the start, and I will continue to play so that I can take it to the Champion League and this season I am trying to make it to Champion 2 at least because rewards are better in the higher league and champion one seems quite difficult for me but probably, I'll be able to make it champion 2 this season. Currently, my reward boost is more than 10X but I'm trying to grow it further by taking more tokens and SPS is an important component of the reward multiplier.


This time the token price is low in the market, and I did buy some however I continue to buy from time to time to grow my holding and I'm not worried about the current price because I know it is low and the only possibility from now is to go up however that might take some time. This price for SPS was not expected to be honest but now since it is here so I am trying to average out my buying price because I started buying the SPS token when it was 30 cents. Even the sps rental market is not bad because I can see a lot of requests are open there and approximately 7% of APR is offered. Although I use my SPS steak for myself, I know that there are a lot of users who have limited SPS and this is why they are dependent upon the sps rental market. It is an opportunity for SPS holders to earn additional rewards on their SPS holding. This is why I think it's good to accumulate more SPS and earn 13% of staking APR as well as 7% of rental through the market option. In total one can earn approximately 20% of APR through both ways if the holding is not used for the own gaming.

Images from splinterlands.com

Thank you

Posted Using InLeo Alpha


Agle baar se Ami bhe chests he buy krunga. Wo jayada bettee option lag raha hai.

Badhyee ho sir ji 🤗


nice GFL. i recommend 2 ultimate chest and 2 batch of major chest every season. the energy u get from it should be able to recoup most of the cost. if u pull gf epic or legendary its instant recover cost if u burn them
