RE: Crypto Gaming: A question (or two) Rich Sloth vs Poor Sloth?


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Good post ! My own preference is to try to achieve some kind of balance, so that the earnings are enough to feel reasonable, but not to the extent of totally distorting gameplay.

A key task for whoever is coding the game is to (somehow !) find ways to minimise scripts and bots. A game should be fun, and having some players with an unfair advantage (whether through bots, pay to win, or anything else other than just time spent grinding) takes away that fun.

Another pet hate of mine is being forced into co-operating with other players or being left vulnerable to PvP when you don't want to be, either if you're away from the game, or because PvP is so key to the game that it's the only route to success. This is probably just me, but a lot of the time I want to play games to challenge myself rather than be pushed into interactions I don't want at that time. Maybe I'm just more of a solo gamer than a social one.....


I’m with you, I’m more into solo play games to induce the fun. Crypto games tend to have the pvp/p2p element to help balance the play to earn criteria. It’s a fine balancing act to find the ‘best’ model for longevity and fun.
