Splinterlands Art Contest Week 280

Hello friends, how are you? I hope you all will be well. I, your younger brother, have again brought a strange painting for you all. Which I have prepared after a lot of hard work. In this I had to pay attention to a lot of details.
And there was a lot of difficulty in making it but first of all I used the same old funda like I made a body from scratch in black which was the body shop of his face. In which there were many things, and from the width of the neck to I had to carefully plan the length.

I had to use a lot of colors. Which was not easy to decide because when the color has to be decided, sometimes my brain does not work because all the elements of a painting are in its color. I know this very well and I had to make many color combinations and experiment with it. So, how I prepared this, in which I made a clear picture of his ears, mouth and nose.

After this, I made its neck long with some leaves wrapped in the middle. And along with the leaves, its twigs were also wrapped, so yesterday I cleared everything from scratch, after this I got a good shape of the face. Went. This face was looking like a deer and was also looking quite cute, after this I started adding color to it. First of all, if I like the color of the photo, then I will first like the green color because it will brighten the entire picture. Colors it very well, and shows it lightly.



The first thing that catches our eye is the head. And this color is very good, so I have used green color to color the leaves, on the side of which, keeping in mind the color and brightness, I have used some other color like white so that where the light falls further. Has been.


  • And there are many things. To complete a painting, like I have used many colors in it. Out of which I have used cream color, yellow color also. And there are many colors which by mixing all the colors give a photo its true form. Which we try to create. And it is only a matter of colors that any photo here starts looking realistic. The style of the photo changes when it looks realistic and in this way I completed this painting and hope you all will love me.

Friends, let me tell you about this, it is very good to make big paintings step by step. It seems to us like an algorithm that yes if we are going through this process then it will be completed due to which it was able to be completed and I worked on it in a little detail and then I also worked on its leaves in detail, only then were the leaves able to become like me, as per my idea and I started working on it. Yes, if we had not thought so closely, the painting would not have turned out the way we had tried. To make a painting and in no time it was ready and I am happy that yes I work on it, and the picture turns out to be as per my expectation. As I think, it is the amount of hard work I put into it. .

After this I added color to it. After which it started looking like her, I was very happy to see this and it also looked very cute. And its outer line was clearly visible, in which I kept the background white due to which it looked lighter and started looking like it. As I thought, I know the work of color very well. Color is such a thing that changes the perspective of people, that is why I consider color as the first factor in making a painting.
[Image source]
Edited with Picsart and Sketchbook..


What a long day!
I pray that you had a successful day
It was interesting to watch this beautiful sketches presented in your article.
The season ends in a few hours, have you reached your guild of choice?
I am targeting the Diamond League, but it will remain a complex mission.


