Opening 65 Gold Loot Chests for EoS Rewards on October 15th & Opening 4 Chaos Legion Pack

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Ahoy my fellow Splinterlands players!
This past Sunday October 15th the latest season in Splinterlands ended. Before the season ended I was getting ready to head out for Timburr Community Day in Pokémon GO where I walked around with some friends. So I recorded the opening of my Season Chests later in the evening. I probably should've tried uploading my video and the post on that night xP I didn't do it on Monday cause it would've been so short after sharing my Battle Mage Secrets post. Then Tuesday I had to focus on other stuff so yeah I'm really late now with uploading it. But better later than never I guess!

This time I earned 65 Gold Loot chests for the End of Season rewards. I finished the season in Modern in Gold 2 which reset me back to Silver 1.

From opening those 65 Gold Loot Chests I get the following rewards displayed in a screenshot from splintershare info made by deadzy

Here are those rewards in bullet list:

  • SPS: 276.7
  • Merits: 931
  • Legendary Potions: 48
  • Alchemy Potions: 79
  • Chaos Legion Pack: 3

Damn hahaha those bigger SPS chests were quite a bit! That 2nd chest that had 96 SPS in it was already more SPS than I got from ALL of my End of Season chests combined in the previous season ending xD The Merits are almost half of a Gladiator pack. This time there was a much bigger difference for the potions as I got 31 Alchemy Potions more than Legendary. Nice I got 3 Chaos Legion Packs and I believe I had 1 ready to open before claiming my season rewards so that makes it 4 packs to open.

Let's look at the cards now.

Common Cards:

  • 4x Swamp Spitter
  • 3x Drybone Barbarian
  • 6x Possessed Puppet
  • 5x Fungus Flinger
  • 6x GOLD FOIL Gobson Bomber
  • 3x Terraceous Grunt
  • 7x Coastal Sentry
  • 14x Wily Coyotian
  • 14x Firecaller
  • 9x Dumacke Orc

Rare Cards:

  • 4x Pembrook Nymph

Epic Cards:

  • 2x Kra'ar Xoc

Legendary Cards:

  • 2x Iziar

Oh nice 2 of the chests had Gold Cards! Funny enough they were both the same card and the same copies xD

Yay a legendary in one of the chests! Too bad not gold foil XDD Still glad to see a Legendary!! 2 copies of Iziar let's goo!!
I mention in the video that maybe I could get her to level 3 now. But I checked later and nope last time I got her I had enough copies for level 2 without any extra. So now I'm still 1 copy away from getting her to level 3. Gotta wait until I get her again then.

Time to open up those 4 Chaos Legion Packs now.

Rare Cards:

  • 1x Diemonshark
  • 1x General Sloan
  • 1x Obsidian
  • 1x Djinn Apprentice

Oh nice a Legendary, an Epic and 4 Rares in the packs that is pretty sweet! Out of those 4 rares there's even 2 summoners that's also awesome!

The epic is Grund! Pretty awesome! Would've been cool if he was Gold Foil haha.

Right as I finished talking about how it would've been awesome to see the Grund being Gold Foil, I open up a Gold Foil Legendary Grum Flameblade!!!! 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮 The first 3 letters of their name are even the same!


How were your Season Ending chests?

That wraps it up for this video.

Thanks for watching!

If you haven't signed up for Splinterlands yet and want to check it out, you can do so with my referral link at:

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