Flame Imp



I made a pixelart version of the Flame Imp in the Splinterlands game. The Flame Imp is roaming around. Watching for the enemies so that it can signal its allies and prepare for ambush.

I started on the outline of the head. I used an oval outline for the head as my guide.

Then I started on creating the details on its head. Like the horns, nose, and mouth.

I have added its eyes and ears

In this part, I am creating the outline of its body.

After the outline of the body, I proceed on its arms and legs.

Its tail is added.

Its wings

After the outline, I colored its whole body.

Doing some shadings and shadow.

Colored its teeth and eyes.

Adding some details on its arms.

Putting a darker shade for its fingers.

Coloring its wings

Additional outlines for the wings.

Shadows on the wings.

Flame Imp is now ready to fly.

After that, I combined all the layers and made a separate copy for the wings and body. Because I have to move its wings for the animation part.

To make the wings move, I changed the angle of the two wings by rotating it.

After that, I made the background.

Background is done

Moving the background frame by frame to make it move.
