RE: Splinterlands Please Help Adjust Guild Upgrade & Quest Potion Costs with Credits


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Yeah it's a lot of money, but maybe when sps airdrop will be finished dec can be not that expensive, so it could be opportunity to upgrade guild later.


While this is very valid point you have, my concern is not for me yet as an investor. I only play to see how I can try to improve the game for new players onboarding in huge numbers and possibly earn along the way. If the prices for quest potions, guild upgrades and anything I may have missed be listed in HIVE or USD prices yet nothing changed so we still use DEC just the amount of DEC changes so we have a higher retention of players. There has to be a % of players that quit vs. % of players quitting that are in guilds and I can only imagine having a guild alone helps big time for new players to have more fun, help learning, card support and more. I am just asking for a positive change for game growth otherwise this becomes a millionaires club leaching off the few that stay.
