Hive Eco: Play2earn, Robots, and Cryptoland


If you are currently here congrats. You have made it to the next level of human development. Although, many of the changes that are occurring within blockchain aren’t where they could be make no mistake about it. Over the next few years blockchain will look nothing like it looks today.

This ever changing industry is about to go into overdrive. Many of these coins that once appeared to be shit coins may suddenly have untold value. Yes, it is going to get a little haywire. Bitcoin obviously will lead the charge.

Yet, many including blockchain experts are missing the major point of this development. Games and play2earn will be the focal point of blockchain innovation. It is the natural course of evolution. And it is not the evolution that some expect or want.

But let me speak some truth. The economy and the concept of money is also changing. There are also some major disruptions that are taking place both within Govt and central banking. Many of these disruptions are NOT for the benefit of the people.

Instead, they are power grabs that serve only a select few. Although they talk about financial inclusion their policies dictate the opposite. Debt based systems are frankly obsolete. It’s 2021 yet we still run a system that is passed it’s prime. Time for something new.

Games are something we all share in common. Some are easy to play. While others require a skill set that few have mastered. The few that have mastered are lucky enough to become eSports stars.

Yet, perhaps there can be a time where all people can have the opportunity to master crypto games. And more importantly get fairly compensated for their game play. Of course Hive and Leo have an earning inflation mechanism baked in.

This is the path that will eventually be followed by all game creators. Play2earn is such an obvious solution to income inequality. Sometimes the simplest solution is usually the correct one. Yet, many still can’t get their minds around the concept.

Maybe it’s due to our experience within the legacy system. The gambling, lack, debt, and constant toiling have indoctrinated many into believing that money and fun don’t mix. Or that it isn’t possible since it hasn’t been done before. Just remember blockchain didn’t exist before…but now it does.

Many speak of automation as a job stealer or destroyer of careers. I choose to see it differently. Automation is a liberation mechanism to free man from endless toil. A way to make things easier for all people.

Robotics can enhance our way of life like never before. Not to mention create things that currently don’t exist. A.I. will continue to heat up as the years progress. And why work that shitty job when a bot can do it for you.

This on going process will have it’s fits and starts. Many of the naysayers like to cherry-pick certain setbacks in the technological process as failure. Things don’t move in a straight line. Some of bitcoins earliest critics are now some of it’s staunch supporters.

And you know what? It’s going to get better from here. Crypto land can become a true all inclusive financial system. Yet, also a fun system.

Deriving an income stream from playing a game seems silly to most. Yet, consider my blogging endeavor here on Leo as a game. And I’m technically deriving an token income stream from this action. Or participating in the Splinterlands game ecosystem.

These tasks or actions would be considered an economic activity. Since I’m trading my most valuable asset “time” I am rewarded as such. This concept is something that few financial pundits could ever wrap their heads around. Yet, many better begin to learn.

This is where the financial system is heading. New phrases like stake, mint, play2earn, tokenization etc will become the new standard for financial talk. If you don’t know the new rules you will be left behind. Things are moving at such a rapid rate.

As most of you are aware technology waits for no one. Innovation is always evolving. Blockchain is no different. Many of the politicians and central bankers forget this notion.

It’s tough to regulate or control technology because it changes continuously. Pass a bill today and tomorrow new code negates the effects of the regulation. It’s literally like trying to tame a wild animal. Lions don’t like to be caged.

So let the blockchain games begin. I’m very excited to continue building my stakes as well as stake some new games here on Hive. This should be an exciting moment for us all.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Aye! Many truths here

Over the next few years blockchain will look nothing like it looks today.

Yep who could have thought the internet would birth something else even more powerful than it? As in, the world isn’t even done with making internet a norm, then boom we have blockchains.

Some of bitcoins earliest critics are now some of it’s staunch supporters.

Who could have thought Micheal Saylor of Microstrategy would today be one of Bitcoins largest holders....crazy!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


Just wait til the sovereigns start piling into it. And not the third world nations but first world nations.


Well with how jobs are pretty much getting phased out due to automation, I think online activity as an alternative to getting paid is good. Those politicians obviously think that giving money around will solve the issue but I don't think the market will ever be the same due to the lockdowns.

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


There is a learning curve to blockchain but most of them can figure it out. The question is do they want to be a part of the solution? Either way crypto presses on. :)
