Splinterlands Battle Mage Challenge - Weak Magic


Hey everyone!

This week’s battle challenge features the Weak Magic rule, and both of the battles presented in this post were done during the same tournament.

Weak Magic

When this rule is in effect, Magic attacks hit Armor before Health points. Considering this you can either work to take down the opponent’s Armor or to strengthen yours, or both things at the same time.


Considering that your opponent may try to lower your whole team’s Armor stats, you should use cards with big Armor stats, at least in key points, like the tank or the first Ranged attacker, to prevent Snipe. Also, the use of Monsters and Summoners that grant extra Armor is a good idea, plus the Repair effect.

In the offensive aspect… well, the opposite. Debuff your opponent’s Armor stat as much as possible, with both Summoners and Monsters and also, just in case, you could include cards with the Shatter effect.


Another great trick is to use Monsters that have both the Bloodlust ability and Armor, because with every kill they rebuild it. And if they don’t have Armor, give it to them, and they will rebuild it anyways, even if it is not naturally theirs.


By the way, I didn’t use it yet, but the new Corrosive Ward ability from the Rebellion Edition, could help, however it only “corrodes” the enemy Armor when Melee attacked.



Battle #1


Lineup & Strategy


The tournament didn’t allow Legendaries and it only allowed Chaos Edition cards, Novice leveled. In this particular battle I saw that my opponent had Quora and considering the lack of Splinter options in the Ruleset, I assumed he was going to use her. Unlike most times when I see Quora, I was not worried, because I had plenty of Mana to set a great counter team. Besides the ruleset here helped a lot.


  • As a Summoner, the Helios Matriarch. Considering Weak Magic and Amplify, and Quora, I immeadetely thought of Djinn Chwala, so I needed a Dragon Summoner. Being able to use a Gladiator was an extra perk.
  • As a tank, Djinn Chwala. Plenty of Armor to make use of that Weak Magic rule, plus Thorns to make even better use of that Amplify rule. And a nice deal of Health points.
  • In second position the Disintegrator. Just there to keep Quora’s Melee attack low.
  • Next, the Scavo Hireling, to support the tanks Armor. Absolutely necessary card.
  • Fourth Monster, the Goblin Psychic, a healer to also support the tank.
  • In fifth place, Katrelba Gobson, my Gladiator. She was my key offensive card. I was kind of worried my opponent was going to place the Venari Knifer in last position, with it’s Thorns, but instead he placed the Regal Peryton. A mistake considering the Aim True rule was in effect, so he had no chance of dodging attacks. Lucky me.
  • Finally, the Mycelic Slipspawn. A big chunk of Health points to draw attention away from my other Monsters.

I would say the battle was a total success. Well predicted and countered, plus it seems that my opponent payed no attention to the rules, since he didn’t take advantage of any of them, on the very contrary, he was a victim of every single one of them.

Battle Link

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Battle #2


Lineup & Strategy


Same tournament here, no Legendaries and all level 1 from the Chaos Edition. My worries in this battle were two; either my opponent uses Ilthain, which means I cannot use Ranged attackers, or he uses Captain Katie, another feared Gladius card. Considering this, I opted to disregard the Life Splinter and use the Armor advantages of the Fire Splinter.


  • As a Summoner, Eterman Brune. Useful for taking down Ruffmane’s Armor buff, plus the perk of the Gladiator.
  • As a tank, Tusk the Wide. I had no chance of healing in the Fire Splinter, and there was no chance of repairing Armor, since we couldn’t use Neutral Monsters, so I just placed a card with very high Hit Points.
  • As a back up tank, Chimney Wallstop, key attacker from the second position.
  • In third place, the Firecaller, a Martyr. Since the Snipe rule was in effect, I used him to increase the stats of two Monsters, Chimney and the Lava Launcher.
  • Next, the Lava Launcher. Using Ranged attackers was a risk, but this card has a great deal of Armor, plus some decent Health. Ilthain was not used by my opponent, so the Lava Launcher was pretty effective taking down the enemy back line.
  • To improve my Armor, I placed the Ferox Defender in fifth position. Unorthodox, but effective. In first position he could easily die and take his Armor benefits with him.
  • At last, the Scavo Firebolt. I was between him and the Tenyii Striker, but I decided to focus my attacks in one point, otherwise power is scattered and you don’t do enough damage.

I think my strategy was on point here, but I do have to say I was lucky in a couple of moments. For example, Captain Katie didn’t get to kill any of my Monsters, so she couldn’t use her Bloodlust, and my opponent’s Pegasus didn’t get to Shatter my Launcher’s Armor, because I was able to eliminate it first.

Battle Link


This is it guys, thank you for reading!

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Thanks for stopping by!
