Splinterlands Social Media - Beginners Battle Tricks




Welcome to this Splinterlands Social Media Challenge. In this opportunity I would like to share with you a set of small tricks and advices to have in mind when playing, that maybe, because of your lack of experience or lack of attention you over looked.


1- Resurrect/Rebirth + Void Armor

When a Monster is killed and has the opportunity to come back to life, it’s Health doesn’t come back at it’s fullest, however it’s Armor does. So, a great way to rebuild your Monster’s constitution by healing, without being taken down by a consecutive hit,is by combining either the Resurrect or the Rebirth ability with the Void Armor, which prevents Magic attacks from reaching your Health.

By using Void Armor this way, you extend your Monster’s life much more. Battle Link

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2- Counter-productive Bloodlust/Martyr

Not a trick here, but an advice. Beware of the use of Martyrs or Bloodlust, especially if the Monster being buffed is a physical one. When the Reverse rule is in effect, those Monsters with the lowest Speed are the fastest and vice versa.

Knowing how much Speed certain cards can reach, especially Gladius, maybe it would be a good idea to lay them off when this rule is in effect, since their amount of Speed generated by killing their first Monsters can become a liability here. Enrage is also a problem. Battle Link

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3- Earthquake? Shield

It’s very well known that Flying protects you against the negative effects of Earthquake, which is receiving two points of Melee damage. However, another way to halfway protect you, if you don’t have enough Flying Monsters, is by using Monsters with Shield. They reduce the effects of the Earthquake by one.

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4- Super Sneak over-ride

Not a trick nor an advice, but a heads up. An aspect of the game, which I don’t know if it is a glitch or if it is intended this way…

When the Super Sneak rule is in effect, every single Melee Monster, except the tank, attacks the enemy card which is placed in the last position (unless it’s Camouflaged). The problem? You won’t be able to use Melee Monsters with Opportunity or Reach to target the Monster you specifically want to attack.

So have that in mind, because maybe you assembled your team with a particular tactic in mind, but this rule can take it away. Battle Link

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5- Retaliate, Retaliate

Retaliate is the effect which causes a Melee Monster to attack back when another Melee Monster attacks him, 50% of the times.

Not a trick, but a curiosity… when two Melee Monsters with Retaliate attack each other, there is a possibility of a chain reaction, in which they attack each other multiple times.

You may decide when to use this… Retaliate can be used from any position. Battle Link

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6- Life Leech + Cripple

So, when you have a Monster with Life Leech, which is the effect that allows said Monster to increase their Health every time they hit an enemy, the ability specifically says that said effect works when you hit Health points, not Armor.

However, I noticed that if you combine Life Leech with Cripple, which is the ability to take down one point of max Health from the enemy Monsters every time you hit them, you can strengthen your own Monster, at the same time you diminish the enemy Monster max Health, regardless of you hitting Armor or Health.

The only Monster, that I know, uses both skills naturally is Merdhampir, however you can create those conditions artificially thanks to the “Tis but Scratches” rule, which grants Cripple to every Monster in the field, or use Dallan, Summoner from the Death Splinter, which does the same. Battle Link


Anyways, these were some… well I don’t know… tricks, glitches, curiosities from the Splinterlands game that could affect you negatively if you’re not aware of them. Hope you found anything useful.

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Thanks for stopping by!
