Are BOTS gone or NEW players coming in :

Hello Ka-splinterlands, how is your ranked battles and where are you playing ... I am still playing at wild as it has a better sps reward as compare to modern for me.


It is been a straight 4 days players stay below 100 000. Is this the effect of soulbound? But then what is happening really?


Oh no after more than a week of +/- 2 million battles daily what is this spike about are bots transitioning from modern to wild or are this new player coming in. Now this latest 2 days battles ranked up to 4 million a day but their is a shift from modern to wild.

new players.jpg

But new players coming in is just normal nothing worth spike that is noticeable.

Maybe bots just stop for a few weeks and transitioned back from modern to wild. Maybe we need to wait few more days to see if things become stable.
What are your thoughts about it fellow splinterland players?...
