Beginners! Get Gold! Get Paid! (ft. Water)


Of the 3 Builds that RULE Bronze- the Water/Magic Build is the weakest but because it's the simplest- it's also the most popular.

Or, I should say: it WAS the weakest. It was the weakest, by a pretty big margin, until the release of one card:

That's right- Splinterlands made one of the top 3 Bronze Decks better with a Rare Reward card. Three quick things before we get on with the rest of the Build:
Yes, O'Shannus is cool (I have 40+ of them) but he just swaps for an existing card (The Cow) and isn't, really, better.
Yes, the deck still gets slapped around like a rag doll by Silence/Void but it allows the Build to fend off melee/Ranged long enough to win.
Yes, it's expensive and underpowered but when you CAN put it in- the Protect Ability is OP in Bronze.

OK, so- The Build: Alric, of course
Torhilo, The Cow
Magic Attackers

You can use O'Shannus instead of The Cow- he has Magic Attack and costs one less mana but that can be a handicap.
Lobstradamus is a very good pickup- Shield, 9 Health- he makes a FANTASTIC Last Position monster- holds off any Sneakers while the rest of your team shoots down your opponent's team.

The way to increase your income with this deck to search PeakMonsters for Gold Foil versions of all the Magic Attackers you are going to use- anything you find for less than 20 DEC/day will increase both your earnings and your Account Power.

And again:
Get your AP over 5K
Keep your ECR over 80%
Play Every Day
A couple of days of following that formula and you should earn enough to rent up a Good Deck and move into Silver!

If you haven't bought the Spellbook yet, you can use my name (axrho) as a referral. I, happen, to own most of the cards in this deck- use my name as an Affiliate and I will delegate one (or more) to you for a season.

You can reach me on Discord as roehouse2000
