Splinterlands - Good progress in terms of ratings


I'm really very happy to share that I had a very good progress today with respect to ratings. I was around 1578 rating today and just pumped to 1781 today to reach somewhere near the next league. It is really an awesome experience today as well. I did spend some time today playing the game just to make sure that my Energy Capture Rate is not wasted. But I did not imagine that I would make good progress this time. This opens me an opportunity to even reach Gold I league this time or at least try to reach that this time.


One other thing that I noticed today while playing the game was some bugs in the game. Suddenly while playing I saw all the cards popping up bigger if I hover my mouse on them. I guess it should be some testing that Splinterlands team is trying to do but I'm wondering why they are testing out things on live servers. Or maybe they consider steemmonsters as their test server and splinterlands as their production link and I saw the issues in the steemmonsters.com website.


Though my focus was not more on completing the quest, I did play the quests and tried to complete it with ease because it was earth splinter. I did not focus on using my earth splinter on all the games because I didn't want to lose my winning streak as it gives some good DEC rewards after each win. I received the above cards as the quest reward. Though there was no screen shake moment for any legendary card, it was decent with at least one rare card.
