Dark enchantress | Splinterlands art challenge

Hey hey! I've been in hibernation again because praise be to the weekends šŸ˜…
Today, I decided to join the Splinterlands art challenge again because it's been a while and I still had a lot of characters I wanted to draw from there. It's also been part of my plan to be active in the challenge again because I need somewhere to practice my pencil color skills with.
For his attempt, I've decided to do the Dark enchantress simply because I think there's so much you can do with her design. Simple yet the fact that she's an enchantress gives you effect and lighting opportunities.
Unfortunately, I couldn't make the most of that because I'm practicing from 0 with these color pencils.

Materials: white pen, blue marker, color pencils
Duration: 4 hours

Apparently 4 hours is my maximum focus time before I get bored and actually lose focus. I know there's a bit more to improve on this... but if I want to join and hit the deadline then, this is as far as I go.

This is where I started off: from my pencil sketch then I tried that thing artists on insta do where they use a marker pen as a base color then they just fill it in with pencil color to make it look smoother.... that didn't work on me šŸ„² I could see the tone difference so I don't think that technique works for this one. It does work when you use pens though because pen ink has the same shade and same solid fill unlike the slightly opaque pencil color.

Then I started detailing from top to bottom and by color since I'm lazy and I don't have the patience to actually keep switching pencils every few minutes or so.

Then I worked on the face and I really thought I could pull off a neon red with this one, but I've never tried to do neon with color pencils before so I think this turned out to be a bit of a failure. not the drawing, but more on my take on colors because I'll need to study a neon red after this now. But I'm kind of yearning to do a black and white piece again because I like going back to charcoal.

I was at this point when I was starting to get bored of all the blending and shading so idk but if you noticed from the torso, I gave up šŸ˜…šŸ˜…šŸ˜…
So for today, this is where my remaining energy ends. I'm gonna attempt to work on another drawing once I've decided to have dinner and ultimately cook my food because I can't understand my hunger when I'm in the lab.
well, this is all from me. I'll see you guys on my next blog
