2800% eth usdc

Getting 2500% on usdc eth .1% tight range withing .75% on each side and it does float in and out of range a bit but its been staying range bound and if i actually put more money on base to play with that would be like 5 dollars for a couple of hours which isnt bad if you can keep up with the adjustments or get a time when its not very volatile a lot of money can be used to earn tight range lps like CAKE fairly quickly. Its been like this for a like 2 hrs with only a minor time out of range so its a good time for a tight range but if using thousands you really need to watch it and set up additional protection for you so you can set up a variable fee set up which will minimize impairment loss and get higher % fees as price moves further from your price as well as work to keep buying in a likely just fluctuation within a normal range which is what your set the one sides lps to.

With larger amounts you may be better off using these types of lps than the spl lps as they have much more volume and now the rewards are diminished a bit so i only am farming the colony ones right now and will be putting d swap on the others that now have a larger spread to extract fees from the spread you set when setting up the bot. I usually use a bot to buy and sell spot and hang back with bigger buys and sells.

