Movies really do predict the future


Did anyone ever notice many movies made 10-20 years earlier ment to be in the future actually come to pretty much be correct lol. Im pretty sure the next generation of metaverses that are more VR or AR with great quality and affordable as well as decentralized will allow alot of ppl like me who now make a living playing games rather than being a CPA doing taxes. Also there is a certain level of income where the medicaid and other benefits you lose are actually more than the income you get because all these extra costs come in and if you own your own business you can control cash flow and income by making sure your income is exactly the number to max out the tax benefit use your solo self directed check book 401K to invest in staking in stable coins using the 20% apy to buy 33% public equities, 33% private placements all types, 33% riskyer crypto like GameFI, staking on sol, ada, etc, defi platforms that are new with higher yields. This will turn a already godd 20% performance into much better if you have a basket of assets you dca into with income each day,week, month whenever its received. I bet using the high yield strategy and investing the income each year into higher risk stocks and other investments will destroy the indexes. It will generate a great yield as well as purchase assets that will likely appreciate and not a fund for the most part individual stocks as most funds are very concentrated why pay for a few extra shit companies and the management fee basically sucks away probably a lot over 50 years depending on the money but its millions for my parents even just a etf fee is to much if you have alot of loot then buy the index with individual stocks and can use covered calls on the QQQ or others if you want to write calls agianst some to generate cash flow if you think it will be flat. Also one of the few funds are the QYLD, XYLD and RYLD covered call income funds which will be used in the stock portfolio to generate income to buy additional equities like average into google or any stock I like. As my portfolio hits a few million and I eventually inherit likely 10 million I can start investing way more into real estate syndications and direct complexes become a real estate pro tax status and ensure I never pay taxes again by investing and creating cash streams.



Metaverse is the current term for what was previously known as cyberspace. Our current multitude of "metaverses" is kind of like the early days of the internet when it was compartmentalized into CompuServe, America Online, etc. When all these compartments converge, then we will be closer to achieving a metaverse. Some other great works that portray this cyberspace are the books of William Gibson such as Neuromancer (1984), and Tad Williams' Otherland series (1996)
