Joining The HIVE Community - Introducing myself and Hive projects


Hello everyone!!! šŸ‘»šŸ‘»šŸ‘»

As a person is nothing but his/her word, I promised my friend @josieb that I would write a self-introduction. I am writing a post that I thought I would never, but life is about breaking one's mental barriers. In my last interview with her (I recommend everyone take a look at the delicious conversation that we had), I realized that I wouldn't have connected so much with her if I hadn't read her introduction first. One maybe gets a bit shy when talking about his life but here I am!

My name is Carles (aka @beffeater in #Hive). I was born in 1981 so I may say that I am in kinda 40's crisis. If some hobbies may define me (cryptos and gaming apart), these would be football (still playing amateur leagues with my friends and I am Futbol Club Barcelona member - as I always say with my friends, football is the most important thing of secondary things in life), nature and especially dogs - here I show you my pawy daughter Sasha rescued from a refuge where she had a hard younghood - I had never lived with a pawy son before and I can tell is a life changer. It has changed all my perspectives on animals and I am in a Vegan conversion. Finally, and some months before being 40, my human daughter Vera came into our lives, and turned the marriage with my wife Nuria full of joyness (with quite a lot of night wakings).



The freak side of my life


I think If you ask my friends to define me in a word, this would be overfreak. I like everything related to the 3 sagas that have accompanied me from my younghood until today. These are Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Harry Potter. Loving the fantasy world of LOTR brought me fascination to Magic the Gathering. I jumped there into the third edition and enjoyed endless games with my friends in the playground. I was attracted to both the game and the collection part of the world. Some years before and because of my University, I left the hobby (selling some cards that are worth today). Also, video games have had a big word in my life. Been playing all that came from Blizzard (they were kind of pioneers creating fantastic worlds like Warcraft, Starcraft, Diablo...) All of these three video games are game-changers for ones that have played. This love of the world had an evolution to playability, and smartphones came into my life. There Supercell had the main role with Clash of clans and Clash Royale. This life experience has brought me to #Splinterlands I love how deep can be the game strategy (more than 60 creatures abilities and 30 battle conditions) and focused on quick decisions getting the result in less than 3 minutes. The NFT and crypto part give this game the #play2earn focus that I am pursuing nowadays. In my opinion, Splinterlands is getting the best of all my life experiences (flavor of Magic collection & deckbuilding, building step by step a nice history, and understanding that a game should be played for 10 minutes or 2 hours anywhere).


Cryptos - Hive - THGaming



I will remember all my life in Autumn 2019 when a childhood friend taught me about the Cardano project. I had all kinds of prejudices about the crypto world. He told me to invest an amount that I could afford to lose and showed me the benefits that I could get in a long-term inversion. Nowadays I've got a nice amount of savings in Cardano and part of the benefits have been sent to my second project. In these almost 3 years of cryptos I have learned some interesting lessons: invest in a project that you believe in and be patient to gather the fruits. Another one, there is no easy money. September 2021 I landed into a game called #Splinterlands, and even without knowing it, my #Hive user was created. It took me some time to understand that this time was not only about playing, #Hive gave me the chance of connecting with people and creating content. For the first time in my life, I prefer writing about a game to help other people to make wise decisions (maybe learned from my mistakes), than playing. Content creation is an ability that I want to develop thanks to my experience as a Hive user. Finally, on January 2022, I had the luck of contacting @jim-crypto the founder of the #THGaming project. THG is 100% run by gamers, no large investors are pulling the strings behind the scenes. In this community, I've found a group of great people that enjoy #play2earn world like me, I enjoy every brawl that I participate, transforming an individual into a cooperative game. And shared glory feels much better than selfish one.

My projects in content creation


My first big project with quite an acceptance in the Hive community has been interviewing some of the great content creators related to #Splinterlands. I would like to thank @hawks21, @cryptoplaygames, @ultm8x, @dbofficial125, and @josieb for their time and kindness. Now I am looking for more content creators that could fit in my project. Also and related to #Splinterlands @jim-crypto asked me to write our brawl battle reports of our two main guilds (#THGBrawlers and #THGaming1). It's a task that I enjoy a lot as I share some battle reports of our best performances and I am learning a lot just writing about the game. I would like to thank all my guildmates because their cooperation is turning this job grateful and easier than I would ever think. Jumping into my future projects, I would like to talk about my latest discovery #RisingStar. It's a game that does not require much time (just understanding and organization). I feel like Rising Star is like a token factory focused on NFT and resources management. In my almost two months of playing and with just $3 of initial investment, I get 10k starts every 5 days for 10 minutes a day playing which are worth $2,8 today. I want to create some content as I think that every Hive user should play #RisingStar. Finally, as I've told you before, as a matter of living a life without cruelty I am in a Vegan conversion. The Mediterranean diet has a lot of alternatives and recipes that I want to share with all of you. And maybe help everyone to a more plant-based feeding than animal-based one. There's a fact, animals are sentient beings that suffer from our exploitation. Added to avoiding that cruelty, we have no Planeta, and Vegan life has fewer consequences in a matter of carbon dioxide and other operating waste.

If you've reached the end, I only would like to thank you. We see each other in the web 3.0!



That was an interesting read, im just glad your on the hive side :D


Thank you very much for the support my friend!


AWESOME post!!! Thank you so much for sharing and introducing yourself!!!


Thank you very much my friend! Awesome is all the content that you create for the community! Take care!


Great work as always! !pizza


Thank you very much my friend! Also a great content creator!
