Splinterlands - Spreading the influence by participating in the SPS Governance Proposals


Splintershards (SPS) is the game governance asset that gives power and influence by enabling a vote casting for different proposals proportional to the staking amount. Probably we will see more and more active SPS Governance Proposals that should motivate the players to value the SPS asset. And now it is time to cast the vote for "Splitting Ranked Battle Reward Pools By League" with the goal of encouraging players to gather more assets and rank up a single account rather than spreading across multiple accounts and bots. As I am an OG of the game by investing in it even before its inception and have gathered many assets during this time and sold just a few, I am glad to see such a proposal that can be turned in my favor in this case.


The SPS reward pool for ranked battles is proposed to be split out by league in a similar way that the SPS rewards are split by the league for focus/season loot chests. This should boost up the rewards in the upper leagues where you need stronger cards to get in and be competitive and fewer rewards in the lower leagues where there are a lot of bots and players that focus less on growing their cards in the game. For me am looking for a more fair system considering my investment and time to level up the NFTs while focusing to max them out.


The SPS Governance Proposal for "Split Ranked Battle Reward Pools By League #34" can be accessed through the SPS Dashboard -> Proposal menu option. There we can see all the active proposals (only this one at the moment) and through the UP and DOWN buttons we can cast our vote for supporting or opposing the change. I will be casting on supporting this rewards rebalancing by the league through my 76,135 SPS staked.


At the moment that I have written this post from a Total Votes of 24,569,345, we can see that 96% (23,591,105) voted for Yes and only 4% (978,240) for No. At the same time clicking on these numbers we will see a window with each player's vote casting, thus proving and ensuring the transparency of the system. We are at the beginning of the governance of the game and I have a great feeling about having the chance of influencing its direction and providing a truly decentralized and democratic way of building and growing it.

Come join Splinterlands, earn SPS, and participate in the game governance to build something amazing!

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta


How did you pull who voted on what and at what value?
The one thing I would like to see are more details about why the change has been brought forward. This ones one seemed pretty like this is why we want you to vote yes lol

Posted Using LeoFinance Beta
