The competition to accumulate soul bound monsters intesifies



I finally broke into gold league but as you already know, I won't be pushing to enter Gold league but that could change this season. The grind for the new set of reward cards is real and I want to accumulate as much as possible.

I haven't read about how it will be implemented but I think someone said something along the lines of "when the said card isn't being printed from reward chests, then it will go into the marketplace". Anyway, I know I've seen conversations about these new reward cards but I just can't seem to find it, so send me any official link that discusses the topic.

Still on the topic, the reward cards have been coming into my deck and I must admit, moving up to Silver league coincided with a dramatic rise in the quality and quantity of reward monsters I get,

In my last daily quest reward, I found 3 BCX of a common monster in a single chest. That's really incredible considering I've been finding 3 or 4 total from the bronze chests I was getting in the past few days.

On top of finding 3 normal foiled BCX, I also got my hands on a rare gold foil monster to add to my collection. Unfortunately, it can't be sold and I sure as hell will not be liquidating(burning) the monster, so it stays in my collection until I get more.

Competition goes up

There seems to be a bit more competition for prizes in the game and while not proven, I could put it down to the appearance of this new set of reward monsters. I say this because the new crop of reward monsters are in fact very powerful and not as weak as their counterparts of old.

I mean, there are a couple of impressive reward monsters from the old days; Lord Arianthus, for example. However, overall, I find reward monsters have their abilities nerfed presumably due to the fact that they've gotten for "free".

The new set of soul bound reward monsters are anything but weak though. They even heralded some new abilities into the game and I'm very excited about getting my hands on most of them.

Again, not to take the shine away from previous reward monsters but this new set of monsters seem more menacing and their artwork seems better. Well, the beauty of the artwork might be due to the fact that Splinterlands continues to upgrade their quality of art.

Anyway, I believe that the increase in competition is a result of the rush to stack reward monsters. It is also the reason I'm considering going for gold chests, rather than silver chests, since they will most likely offer me marginally better monsters in chests.

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Once the cards stop being printed, you'll have "stake" DEC to them in order to unlock them. From there, you'll be able to burn, trade, or sell them.

First you earn them, then you pay for them, then they're yours to do what you want.

"We also intend for the cards to be able to become unbound - meaning they will be able to be transferred, rented, burned, or sold - once they stop being available in loot chests, by infusing them with DEC. We estimate that roughly 1 - 2 years out from this initial release of soulbound reward cards that are associated with the Chaos Legion set we will release a new set of soulbound reward cards that will be associated with the Rebellion set.

At that point, the current set of soulbound reward cards will no longer be available in loot chests, having been replaced by the new set, and the old set will then be able to become unbound by staking DEC into the cards, a portion of which can then be reclaimed later by burning them."


Sounds interesting. I reckon they'll be pricey when they finally get unlocked.


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