Voucher token pumps because of the flame



Splinterlands assets are very responsive to announcements and developments. For example, a close look at the price of assets in the game, for example, is as a result of news and stories surrounding them.

Unlike many other tokens in the market, Splinterlands tokens have a variety of uses that gives them intrinsic value. This value is reflected in the market and whenever there is some activity regarding the asset, it tends to respond quite quickly.

Recently, we got news that Splinterlands will be working with American rapper, Waka Flocka Flame. The news was that they will be making a very limited edition NFT in his image and it will be sold in the game.

There aren't any specifics yet but we know that it will cost a few thousand SPS and will also require hundreds of vouchers. We also know that each monster will be maxed out at purchase.

At the current price of SPS token, it is hard to determine what it will specifically cost. I can't imagine that something so rare will cost just 1K SPS but if it does, I'll be glad.

I believe that the real determining factor will be whether the Waka Spiritblade summoner will be priced in dollars or priced in SPS token.

What I mean is, we know that we'll pay for the summoner with both Voucher and SPS token but will the payment be a fixed amount of SPS and vouchers or will it vary according to the market.

In any case, we know that this will correspond to a rise in the value of both SPS and voucher tokens. However, I just wonder which case is better.

FOr example, if the Waka summoner costs say 1000 SPS and 100 VOuchers for example, that puts it at about $145 of SPS and $200 in vouchers. If the price is fixed in those assets, and the market pumps, the dollar valuation of the card will vary with the market price of both assets.

On the other hand, if the specified payment for the Waka summoner is minted in the way Chaos Packs are minted, this means that we'll be paying the dollar worth in the aforementioned tokens. So, lets say the monster is capped at $500 to mint and for payment, you have to pay a 50:50 ratio of SPS and vouchers, what will this mean for the price of both assets?

In both scenarios, there will be demand for both assets and I frankly can't say which one will be more effective, in terms of price of action for the tokens.

Secondary winning

I honestly don't think I'll be able to afford the Waka summoner when it comes out, so I'm going to be hoping to cash out some funds if either or both aforementioned tokens pump.

On the surface, it is hard to see a scenario where this monster flops in the market. It is almost certain to be an instant hit because of its unique trait of giving all friendly the poison ability.

If demand for the monster is high enough, that should reflect on the price of vouchers and SPS tokens.

In fact, just from the announcement alone, the price of both SPS and voucher tokens have experienced some growth. In the coming days/weeks, we'll get some more clarity about the Waka summoner and that will be good for SPS token.

I must add that while I am excited about this development and it does look good on paper, I think only a selected number of people will actually have access to the monsters.

Other than the fact that it will most likely be expensive, the splinterlands market is very competitive and I suspect the monster will sell out minutes after it is released. What I'm saying is, if you snooze, you lose.

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This is pretty cool but I hope Splinterlands doesn't turn into one of those games where skill is secondary to your pocketbook!

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It's already getting there but as long as battle rules remain, skill will always be a factor.


I can't wait to see the price of SPS and DEC on the uptrends against Hive.


The is a nice move from splinterlands team, this will increase the price sps. The game just keep rolling out development

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