legendary collecion (3).jpg

Hello dear friends of this amazing Splinterlands community, are you all right? I hope so.

Here we are on December 31st, 2021 and on this date we can celebrate another season finale in Splinterlands, but this time a little different from the seasons of the previous months.

For, along with the end of the season, we also celebrate the end of the month of December and, of course, the end of this incredible year 2021, so we can safely say that today's post is special because of so many commemorative dates.

2021, especially the second half of the year, was the year that I plunged once and for all into the world of cryptocurrencies and cryptogames, regretting, as I believe many of us do, not having opened our eyes to this vast world some time ago...... but opportunity passes, time and it's no use crying and running after the damage.

Anyway this subject for another post, because in this one I will share with you my Splinterlands rewards for the last season.

I will talk about which league I finished the season in, what was my strategy to do so and, at the end, what rewards were granted to me.

So here we go.


In this last season for the second half of December I found it VERY difficult to raise my rating. This difficulty was certainly due to the Chaos Legion, the new creatures, the starter cards that were replaced and the new team adaptations.

I spent about 5 days running between 500 and 750 rating and from there I couldn't go up, even renting good creatures, but not getting much success, because it was really difficult.

I will certainly have to study more and improve my teams if I do not want to find so much difficulty in the following months, because I lost precious time in the Bronze league that cost me some reward chests.

At one point, already tired of running in circles, I rented two powerful but expensive cards that made me pump up to 1300 rating, these being:


I rented both cards for the period of one day and for that I expended approximately 90 DEC's in total, with them I was able to raise my rating from 600 to 1300, there were several battles that drastically reduced my capture rate, but at least I rose to Silver III league with a safety margin up to 1000 rating.

These are not necessary to describe how powerful Kron The Undying gets when remaining as the last man on the battlefield, many times he was able to defeat 3 to 4 opposing creatures.

After reaching 1000 rating points I was able to reach the amount needed for the Silver III league, but I still need power for this, so it was necessary to rent cards for this from the market.

And for that, I rented a QID YUFF, fire summoner, level 3 gold that gives me 10,000 power points for the daily value of 29 DEC, which guaranteed me most of the points needed to move up in League.

The cost benefit of this rental is approximately 300 Collection Power per DEC, is a value, in my opinion, very reasonable, certainly can improve, but I have already caught rents much more expensive, so I was satisfied during this season and will seek another opportunity in the next season that begins.

So once the season ended in the Silver III league I received 12 chests that granted me the following rewards:


As you can see my Silver League III rewards from last season were:

  • 4 Legendary Potion Charge
  • 1 Alchemy Potion Charge
  • 3 Pelacor Mercenary
  • 1 Pelacor Bandit
  • 1 Venari Heatsmith
  • 1 Venari Bonesmith
  • 1 Dark Energy Crystals.

I already have some copies of the Pelacor Mercenary and Pelacor Bandit, I believe you must be in the same situation,

As for the Venari, I also have them, although in smaller quantities, and they will not be of much use to me at the moment.


I was very excited hoping to receive a golden legendary card as a christmas gift 🎅, in all my playing time I haven't been lucky enough to get one yet, but it wasn't this time again.

Now it's time to keep playing and to collect the rewards from the daily quests and get my long awaited Golden Legendary

My current biggest difficulty in Splinterlands, and the one I have been facing since the beginning of the game, is without a doubt getting enough power to improve my league position.

Not having power causes me to have to rent a large amount of cards to level up, adding cost to my game and causing my Dark Energy Crystal rewards from battles to be almost mostly to pay the rents.

But a new year is beginning and certainly new opportunities will come, 2021 was only the beginning of this amazing game and I am sure that good things await me in the new year 2022.

Finally I want to wish everyone in this amazing community a great new year.

I hope you enjoyed it.

Thanks for reading.



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#splinterlands #play2earn

All the pictures were taken by me
The images used in this post were made by me
Translated with the help of
