Maximizing Rewards in Splinterlands: My Journey and Tips


Hello Splinterlands players, how are you? I hope your season is going well. There are about 9 days left for the season to end and I am having a lot of fun because I am getting a chance to try new strategies, which is very interesting for me. How is your season going? I hope you have a good season now and you will be able to collect as many rewards as possible. The last time I had collected approximately 27000 glint tokens, I bought a legendary card worth 25000. With the remaining glint tokens, I bought some rare and some cards. This time I will buy about 100 comment draws from the reality draw, which will cost around 10000 England. According to my earnings, this time I will probably be able to collect around 30000 glint tokens. As for the rest, I may collect more than this, but I should not expect too much right now. I will take around 30,000 tokens by the end of the season or more who knows?


But, Honorable, sometimes many battles are very interesting and you cannot live without sharing them. Although, in weekly bottles, you do share your battles, there are some patterns you want to share because you find them very interesting. When we all win continuously, the experience of happiness is different. But these days I am having a lot of fun playing battles. My master talked to me recently and is also ready to give me one of his high level accounts. I hope that I will not disappoint him. As for the rest, only time will tell how I will perform. Although I have asked him for some time so that he can see my performance, he can then decide to give me that high level account or not. Or it will all be up to him. I cannot force him in any way. It is all his wish.

Believe me, whatever I know about this game is only because of him and if he had not taught me about this game, I would not have reached here today. By the way, no matter who your Guru (teacher) is, you cannot learn anything until you do not practice, I made you feel this and this is also the truth, it does not matter how much money you have invested in this game, if you do not know much about any Hakeem or you do not know how to play this game, then perhaps your investment here will be not worth it, I believe this, if you see the game, then come and you can generate income from here in a better way.


Screenshot from

Believe me, there are so many ways to generate income here that if you sit down to calculate, you will have to invest a lot, but I would suggest that if you are starting here, then you should start with the Play and Earn option because it is very easy and you will get to learn a lot from here and you can also win a lot of rewards from here. If you had been associated with this game from day one, then you would probably have a lot of cards and you might not have needed to invest that much now, but now a lot has changed, so you will have to invest if you want to get good rewards here. SPS is a very important investment in this game and day by day its prices are increasing. If you are new to this game, even then I would suggest you invest in space, do not play this game first, you can stake SPS and then leave it, you will also benefit from that because you will get around 13% APR and you can stake it.

I regret that I could not understand this game earlier and could not take advantage of this game earlier, but now I am not going to do that. I am taking full advantage of the scheme and am also enjoying it a lot because this game is very interesting, when you get to know a little about it, you start enjoying it even more. I have seen here that some people have joined recently, about a few months ago, and they have made a very good investment here because they know the returns of investing in this game, so they are hardly investing too much here.


Screenshot from

If you are playing the game regularly, then you must have noticed that there are a lot of benefits of staking SPS here and people are stating it in large numbers, if they keep playing the game continuously in long-term, then they will benefit a lot from it because they will get more records from this and due to getting more rewards, they will also be able to buy more cards from the shop.

Although a lot of changes keep happening in this game I liked the recent update that came in the shop. I hope you also liked the same. I'll be meeting you soon in the next post, till then I will take care.

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see you in the next post. Keep learning and keep exploring...

All the Images are Made Via Canva unless otherwise noted.

Translated via Google Translator, The content is original.

Thanks a lot for staying till the end 😃🙏, Let me know what you think.

Never forget one thing you should be grateful for because someone has a dream of what you have. So learn to be grateful. Be Thankful.🙏😀

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Thanks & Regards

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I think we all regret not investing on the game earlier, but that's crypto for you. Sometimes you just don't know what and where to put your money when you have enough


indeed, that is true sir, totally agree maybe in the future we are gonna regret it more. 😄


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